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I.M.P.A.C.T. for goals

I.M.P.A.C.T. for goals

Source Graham Nicolls

I = Immersive
Your goal has to be something you can get immersed into. You should be able to see it, hear it and feel it. You should be able to describe what success looks like in great detail. Try it – pick your number one goal and write out what success looks like in every little detail.

M = Measurable
Of course, any great goal should be measurable. But most think this has to be a number or something tangible. If you can measure it as to how it will make you feel out of 10 compared to how you feel now…. you can measure it.

P = Purpose Driven
You need to know why you are going after this goal. Why is it important to you? Why is it important to your family or to those around you? What will it give you when you succeed?

A = Action Led
I’ve seen so many people set goals and then take no actions. You MUST set actions then go and take them. Without actions your goal will go nowhere and you’ll be left with regrets.

C = Captured
This is a crucial step that many people miss out on. You must write down your goal, the actions you are going to take to achieve it and how it will feel when you get there. We kicked this off with the first section above. Write it down, all of it.

T = Time Restrained
Finally, you have to have a time limit on your goals otherwise they are just dreams. Set completion times for both your goals and the actions you are going to take to get there. Then add them to your diary / calendar. When it’s scheduled, it’s real!

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