Kopf frei - Free Mind
Book information
- title: Kopf frei!
- author: Volker Busch
- category: Self-Help
- isbn13: 9783426462744
- focus on the important
- realise your environment
- be more creative through boredom
- information is addictive
- we tend to second screen behavior and through that loose the deeper connection to topics
- provide more attention to what actually happens around you
- give information more time to sink in
About concentration/attention
- concentration means bundling of attention
- it take some minutes to get in a concentration mode
- we cannot multi-task for topics that are similar
- avoid distractions
- project future consequences of your behavior
- plan for daily one hour without distractions - and practice it regularly
Nixen - do nothing and let you mind wander. This leads to our Default Mode Network taking over:
- foster reflection
- creating associations
- opens room for new solutions to problems
1st pass notes
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