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Notes from Education that works by Danny Iny

Source The emporor is naked … analogy for the current failing learning system.

It needs the call out, the public awakening.

  • I need to support the argument

Emperor - higher education.

  • You are doing a huge mistake
  • You’re throwing your life away

I’m opting in to something else (something better)

It is about the opportunity costs with the invested time for long for learning!

4-7 years of their life high debt 3/4 are working in a field that they did not study

Something messed up about higher education

Education - enabling someone to do something that they were not able to do before.

If you can dream it, you can do it This gap is bridged by education … close the gap between could and do it!

📖 Leveraged Learning

“The future is here, it is just not evenly distributed”

Student debt crisis

📖 Everybody lies

Education has not changed enough

Everything you learn gets outdated in 5..10 years

Change at speed

  • Resourceful
  • Take initiative
  • Get things done
  • Handle ambiquity well
  • Play well with others

Learn to ask better questions.

think like an explorer, being excited about they might find

self direction to opt in …

deep learning, powerful rule

deliberate practice gather - practice - feedback - improve

grid - idea

be more griddy

self directed education


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