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Obsidian Plugins I’m using

name description authorUrl comment          
Activity History Track activity of specified projects, Github like activity board https://github.com/Darakah/ rarely used          
Admonition Enhanced callouts for Obsidian.md - often used          
Advanced Slides Create markdown-based presentations in Obsidian https://github.com/MSzturc when needed highly useful          
Advanced Tables Improved table navigation, formatting, manipulation, and formulas https://grosinger.net rarely used          
Advanced URI Advanced modes for Obsidian URI https://github.com/Vinzent03 rarely used          
AidenLx’s Folder Note Add description, summary and more info to folders with folder notes. https://github.com/aidenlx rarely used          
AidenLx’s Folder Note - folderv component Optional folderv Component for alx-folder-note https://github.com/aidenlx rarely used          
Annotator This is a sample plugin for Obsidian. It allows you to open and annotate PDF and EPUB files. https://obsidian.md/about rarely used          
Auto Note Mover Auto Note Mover will automatically move the active notes to their respective folders according to the rules. https://github.com/farux/ often used          
Better Word Count Counts the words of selected text in the editor. https://lukeleppan.com rarely used          
Book Search Helps you find books and create notes. https://github.com/anpigon often used          
Buttons Create Buttons in your Obsidian notes to run commands, open links, and insert templates https://shbgm.ca rarely used          
Calendar Calendar view of your daily notes https://github.com/liamcain/ partially used          
Canvas Filter This plugin lets you filter Canvas to only show items of specific color, tags or only connected to currently selected node. https://ikoshelev.azurewebsites.net/ rarely used          
Copy Block Link Get links to blocks and headings from Obsidian’s right click menu https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-copy-block-link partially used          
Crossbow Find possible backlinks in your notes. https://github.com/shoedler rarely used          
Custom File Explorer sorting Allows for manual and automatic, config-driven reordering and sorting of files and folders in File Explorer https://github.com/SebastianMC often used          
Cycle through Panes Cycle through your open Panes with ctrl + Tab, just like with Tabs in your Browser!, ctrl+shift+Tab for Reverse https://github.com/phibr0 rarely used          
DB Folder Folder with the capability to store and retrieve data from a folder like database https://github.com/RafaelGB/obsidian-bd-folder rarely used          
Dataview Complex data views for the data-obsessed. https://github.com/blacksmithgu when needed highly useful          
Dice Roller Inline dice rolling for Obsidian.md - used for random note injection in daily notes          
Dictionary This is a simple dictionary for the Obsidian Note-Taking Tool. https://github.com/phibr0 rarely used          
Dynamic Table of Contents An Obsidian plugin to generate Tables of Contents that stay up to date with your document outline. - rarely used          
Editor Commands Remap Map hotkeys to editor commands. https://github.com/c4ctus5 when needed highly useful          
Editor Syntax Highlight Show syntax highlighing in code blocks the editor https://github.com/deathau rarely used          
Emoji Shortcodes This Plugin enables the use of Markdown Emoji Shortcodes https://github.com/phibr0 when needed highly useful          
Emoji Toolbar Quickly search for and insert emojis into your notes. https://github.com/oliveryh/obsidian-emoji-toolbar rarely used          
ExcaliBrain A clean, intuitive and editable graph view for Obsidian https://zsolt.blog when needed highly useful          
Excalidraw An Obsidian plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings https://zsolt.blog when needed highly useful          
Extract Highlights Create, extract and leverage your markdown highlights https://publish.obsidian.md/alexisrondeau rarely used          
Extract url content Extract url converting content into markdown https://github.com/trashhalo rarely used          
File Explorer Note Count The plugin helps you to see the number of notes under each folder within the file explorer. https://www.ozan.pl often used          
Find orphaned files and broken links Find files that are not linked anywhere and would otherwise be lost in your vault. In other words- files with no backlinks. https://github.com/Vinzent03 rarely used          
Focus Mode Add Focus Mode to Obsidian. https://github.com/ryanpcmcquen often used          
Folder Note Click a folder node to show a note describing the folder. https://github.com/xpgo/obsidian-folder-note rarely used          
Folder Note Core Provide core features and API for folder notes https://github.com/aidenlx rarely used (needed by other plugin)          
Frontmatter Tag Suggest Autocompletes tags in the frontmatter tags field https://jmill.dev often used          
Garble Text Garbling text in Obsidian turns all content in the entire app (notes, sidebar, etc) into lines so you can take screenshots without exposing sensitive data. - rarely used          
Hotkeys for templates Add hotkeys to insert specific templates https://github.com/Vinzent03 often used          
Hover Editor Transform the Page Preview hover popover into a fully working editor instance https://github.com/nothingislost often used          
Icon Folder This plugin allows to add an emoji or an icon to a folder or file. https://florianwoelki.com/ often used          
Kanban Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian. https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban often used          
Kindle Highlights Sync your Kindle book highlights using your Amazon login or uploading your My Clippings file https://hady.geek.nz often used          
Link Nodes In Canvas A plugin for you to add edges between notes in Canvas based on their links. https://github.com/Quorafind rarely used          
Linter Enforces consistent markdown styling. https://github.com/platers often used          
Longform Write novels, screenplays, and other long projects in Obsidian. https://kevinbarrett.org rarely used          
Matter The official Matter <> Obsidian plugin https://hq.getmatter.app often used          
Maximise Active Pane Simply fills the workspace with the active pane - often used          
Mind Map A plugin to preview notes as Markmap mind maps - rarely used          
Minimal Theme Settings Change the colors, fonts and features of Minimal Theme. https://www.twitter.com/kepano used when needed          
Natural Language Dates Create date-links based on natural language https://argentinaos.com/ used for my daily journal          
Note Refactor Extract note content into new notes and split notes - rarely used          
Notion-Like Tables Your premiere tool for creating and managing tabular data in Obsidian.md https://github.com/trey-wallis rarely used          
Obsidian Git Backup your vault with Git. - often used          
Omnisearch A search engine that just works https://github.com/scambier/obsidian-omnisearch often used          
Ozan’s Image in Editor Plugin View Images, Transclusions, iFrames and PDF Files within the Editor without a necessity to switch to Preview. https://ozan.pl/aboutme/ rarely used          
Page Count Add the current note’s page length to Obsidian’s status bar. - rarely used          
Periodic Notes Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes https://github.com/liamcain/ often used          
Pomodoro Plugin This is a simple pomodoro plugin for Obsidian. https://github.com/tokuhirom/ rarely used          
Quick Explorer Perform file explorer operations (and see your current file path) from the title bar, using the mouse or keyboard https://github.com/pjeby often used          
Quick Latex for Obsidian Speedup latex math typing with auto fraction, align block shortcut, matrix shortcut…etc https://github.com/joeyuping/quick_latex_obsidian rarely used          
Quick Switcher++ Enhanced Quick Switcher, search open panels, and symbols. https://github.com/darlal/obsidian-switcher-plus rarely used          
Reading Time Add the current note’s reading time to Obsidian’s status bar. https://github.com/avr rarely used          
Recent Files List files by most recently opened https://grosinger.net often used          
Simple Embeds Replaces links, like Twitter and YouTube, with embeds when previewing a file. https://github.com/samwarnick rarely used          
Sliding Panes (Andy’s Mode) Sliding Panes! Based on the style of Andy Matuschak’s Notes https://github.com/deathau often used          
Smart Connections Find links to similar notes using artificial intelligence from OpenAI. https://wfhbrian.com often used          
Spaced Repetition Fight the forgetting curve by reviewing flashcards & entire notes. https://github.com/st3v3nmw rarely used          
Style Settings Offers controls for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables. https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings rarely used,when needed highly useful          
Strange new world Creates a bubble beside each link, thats shows how often this link was referenced. https://github.com/TfTHacker/obsidian42-strange-new-worlds often          
Tag Navigator Cross-reference navigation through your tags https://alexanderobenauer.com rarely used          
Tag Wrangler Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the tag pane - often used          
Tasks Task management for Obsidian https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group when needed highly useful          
Templater Create and use templates https://github.com/SilentVoid13 often used          
Text Extractor A (companion) plugin to facilitate the extraction of text from images (OCR) and PDFs. https://github.com/scambier/obsidian-text-extractor rarely used          
Text Generator Text generation using OpenAI https://obsidian.md rarely used, currently I use SmartConnections          
Tidy Footnotes Tidy your footnotes seamlessly. https://github.com/charliecm when needed highly useful          
Typewriter Scroll Typewriter-style scrolling which keeps the view centered in the editor. https://github.com/deathau often used          
Vault Statistics Status bar item with vault statistics such as number of notes, files, attachments, and links. - rarely used          
Wikilinks to MDLinks A plugin that converts wikilinks to markdown links and vice versa https://github.com/agathauy rarely used,when needed highly useful          
Zoottelkeeper Plugin This plugin automatically creates, maintains and tags MOCs for all your folders. https://github.com/akosbalasko https://github.com/michabrugger often used          

Some plugins a little more detailed

Advanced Slides - let’s me create presentation with templates directly in Obsidian. I can also present from their and can embed existing content. Really helpful to avoid copying.

Auto Note Mover - helps to get rid of manual moving notes. I combine that with the templater plugin to maintain my Zettelkasten.

Book Search - really cool plugin to immediately fetch book information and link a book directly in my journal and book kanban.

Copy Block Link - allows me to directly link to a block in a note. This way I can jump directly to areas in a note

Custom File Explorer sorting - allows me to have my PARA folder structure and Johnny Decimal combined

this shows the folder order of PARA - Projects-Areas-Resources-Archive although the numbering would not allow an alphabetic ordering

Excalidraw - likely you know that already. This is really nice for creating sketches and link from there to notes. Really active development and recently also added further enhancements to work with Pdfs.

Focus Mode - really nice to work on notes with deep focus. I have this also mapped to my Loupedeck

Frontmatter Tag Suggest - just makes working with tags inside front matter much easier

Hotkeys for templates - love this one as this simplifies creating new notes jsut with a hotkey. I have them for literature notes, permanent notes, fleeting notes.

Icon folder - tiny but good. Allows me to add pictures to folders.

Kindle highlights - my main plugin … brings me all the highlights from Kindle directly to Obsidian

Linter - beautiful to add meta information and keep notes in shape

Obsidian Git - just recently switched to do a backup using Git. This makes it really seamless

Omnisearch - helps a lot with finding items

Pomodoro - nice little Pomodoro timer that helps me when I’m in focus mode

Recent Files - really often to just reference the last used files. E.g. when writing my daily journal

Smart Connections - what a super great AI plugin. Brings my notes and leveraging that with AI to the next level
Text Generator is also good, but Smart Connections is more advanced as this also builds on topic of own knowledge.

Spaced Repetition - great for learning. I used that when I really need to memorize something

Strange new world - great for drilling down on a link immediately and finding further associations.

Tidy footnotes - great simplifier when you work with Footnotes

Typewriter scroll - great to have focussed writing mode

Some combinations & usage information-

I use Smart Connections to ask for connection between my notes. Also to create a further summary of it.

I use a combination of Templater, Auto Note Mover and Template Hotkey to create notes of a special type fast and place the note at the right place. In addition I’m using the external LoupeDeck to just press a button and have a new note created. This removes cognitive load when creating notes.

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