The Four C’s of working with information
- Consuming
This is where most of us start. Reading books, scrolling socials, watching videos. You’re soaking it all in—but not saving or applying anything. Eventually, you’ll notice: just consuming isn’t enough.
- Collecting
Now, you’re saving the “good stuff.” Bookmarking articles, jotting down notes. But here’s the catch: saving alone doesn’t lead to results. Your stash grows, but what do you do with it?
- Curating
At this stage, you’re refining your collection. Distilling ideas, finding patterns, focusing on what truly matters. Progress feels good! But even here, you might wonder: Is this it?
- Creating
This is the magic phase. You take what you’ve learned and turn it into something new—a post, a video, or a creative project. Suddenly, your ideas aren’t just tools for learning. They’re tools for impact.
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