The Ladder of Evidence
Generate high value learning in your customer interviews.
Key takeaways
- Avoid asking speculative questions (like Why… or What they would do)
- Ask for specific stories from the past. This creates the richest insights.
- Look for evidence of ACTION to evaluate the solution. Simulate and let them take action.
People are telling you much more when you ask them about a specific moment and share that stories around it - context, emotions, experiences. Instead of just quick answers with unspecific questions.
On the top of the ladder - they replace the question: How do you like …? And instead ask the user to take action.
Ask them to show you what they did: Is great when you can compare to an already existing solution (from a e.g. a competitor). Observe them in their real life experience.
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Continuous interviewing extract from cdh insights
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Continuous Interviewing extract from CDH insights Argumentation for continuous interviewing This isn’t...