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Drowning in AI news overload?

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Drowning in AI news overload?
(How I tamed the information beast and stay on top of what MATTERs)

I struggled with AI news overload, not knowing where to start. Then, I built a structured news processing pipeline: Subscribe-Capture-Organize-Distill for efficiency.

Subscribe: I rely on top newsletters. My top 3 newsletters currently:
✪ theaiexchange
Every.to - the Sunday digest
✪ AI Breakfast

(…links plus 3 more in the slides)

Capture: I use MATTER to funnel everything into one place. Tip: subscribe via your Matter e-mail!

Distill: I highlight key insights during dedicated reading time.

Organize: My highlights sync automatically to my central learning space. My Second Brain 🧠 in Obsidian.

I can quickly dive deeper into the topics that matter most for my work. Having this information at my fingertips gives me a powerful edge.

What are your favorite AI news sources?

👉 Follow me to learn how to turn information overload into actionable knowledge.

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Content preparation

AI development is progressing super fast. How do I stay up-2-date and how can you process AI news with a balance of efficiency and extracting key information?

I connect with several main input channels and have build an efficient news processing pipeline.

I subscribed to the following 6 leading AI newsletters:

  • theaiexchange
  • AI Breakfast (weekly)
  • Ben’s bites
  • Every.to - the Sunday digest
  • Insidr.ai
  • Superhuman

Through processing these newsletters with my Capture-Organize-Distill pipeline you can process information fast and funnel key insights to one central learning space. Your growing Second Brain.

It works like that:

  • MATTER, my read later app is key. I subscribe to the AI newsletters via my MATTER eMail address. (Capture)
  • When I have some time in between, and with a dedicated reading hour on Sunday, I skim through the captured news. While reading I highlight MY key insights. (Distill)
  • You can connect Matter with your Second Brain central. I use Obsidian as my central information hub. And all my key insights from Newsletters are automatically imported to my Second Brain. (Organize)
  • Now it becomes already available for my AI layer and appears in searches and potential connections with notes 🧠
  • I follow my impulse for further catching up on these insights, based on my current projects and appetite for deep dives. With having newsletter insights available at your finger tips, you can leverage the information whenever you need to.

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-04-02_Tue


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