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How I learn on 6 levels with my Second Brain

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How I learn on 6 levels with my Second Brain
(Bloom’s Taxonomy and CODE combined)

Level up your learning: By using your Second Brain for
Capture-Organize-Distill-Express on all 6 levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy from basic recall to creation.

Let’s look at the 6 Bloom Taxonomy levels and how they map with Second Brain C-O-D-E:
↳ Create - Produce new work (posts, presentations, products) based on your knowledge. EXPRESS yourself.

↳ Evaluate - DISTILL insights, question assumptions, and determine the value of what you’ve learned.

↳ Analyze - Break down and DISILL info, find connections, and build a ‘big picture’ view of your knowledge.

↳ Apply - Use what you’ve learned by ORGANIZING information for easy retrieval.

↳ Understand - The way CAPTURE and ORGANIZE information forms your understanding.

↳ Remember - The way you CAPTURE and ORGANIZE your knowledge amplifies retrieving and remembering information. I use the PARA approach to organize.

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How I learn on 6 levels with my Second Brain (Bloom’s Taxonomy and CODE combined)

By integrating the Second Brain methodology with Bloom’s Taxonomy, you can not only improve your information management skills but also deepen you learning and cognitive abilities. As you move from simple capture to expression in Capture-Organize-Distill-Express, you’re also moving up Bloom’s hierarchy from basic recall to creation.

Similarly, organizing using PARA requires cognitive processes that span the entire range of Bloom’s levels, from remembering to creating. This holistic approach leads to more effective learning, problem-solving, and productivity.

Let’s look at the 6 Bloom Taxonomy levels and how they map with Second Brain C-O-D-E:

  • Create - Corresponds to the Express stage. Her you use intermediate packages created and combine them to new applied knowledge. Like a LinkedIn Post, a presentation, an Essay, a software product,… . The act of expressing what you’ve learned or synthesized.
  • Evaluate - This applies to the distill stage where you rephrase in your own words and extract the key insights for your future self. You apply critical thinking and challenge the assumptions behind your insights. You assess the value and relevance of the information you’ve gathered. Before expressing what you’ve learned you evaluate the distilled insights.
  • Analyze - directly link notes with other notes and describe the linking further. In addition build Maps of Content where you zoom out and form the bigger picture how things are connected. Distilling involves breaking down information to essential elements and understanding relationships between parts
  • Apply - You apply your understanding by creating a structure for better future retrieval.
  • Understand - The way capture and organize information also forms your understanding, because you build categories in a way that information becomes useful in the future. You need to understand it enough to know where it best fits within your Second Brain.
  • Remember - Use spaced repetition with Cards plugin in Obsidian. The way you capture and organize your knowledge amplifies retrieving and remembering information. I use the PARA approach to organize.

Follow me for deeper insights to working with a Second Brain and leveraging the effect of compounding knowledge

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-04-14_Sun


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