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Is reading Dead

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

Is reading dead or am I doing something terribly wrong?

I’m sharing knowledge passionately.
And curated key insights from top business books.
Completely free, designed to help get key takeaways quickly.
I put a lot of time into curating, so I really want to make them valuable to you.

While initial engagement on my posts is good,
very few people actually follow through to read the insights.

I’m stumped and would love your help!

If you saw one of these posts, what stopped you from reading the insights?
↳ Crush the ThePower MBA in 30 Days: Discover my Strategy!

↳ I cracked the Code to perseverance - key insights from 5 books

↳ Top 13 Books to Transform Your Approach with Mindful Productivity

↳ Elevate your writing with these 8 key ingredients distilled from 6 books

↳ 6 top books by Lara Acosta - helped her hit $100k/mo <2 years

↳ Supercharge Your Leadership Journey: 12 Essential Skills

My Assumptions:
1) My explanation of how to access the insights is unclear.
2) There’s a concern about hidden costs.
3) Required steps (like installing an app) are too much hassle.
4) Reading, even in short bursts, isn’t appealing anymore.
5) Something else I’m missing?

What might be causing this behavior?
👉 How can I make the offer more compelling and user-friendly? Open to all your feedback!

👉 FOLLOW ME on LinkedIn

Content preparation

Hook: Is reading dead or am I doing something terribly wrong? (There should be hundreds but it is down to a dozen)

Are you an avid reader? And do you like to get an overview on a topic fast by reading several sources? And would you consider an option that provides you completely free access to especially curated key insights from books. Where you could get a great overview on a topic by reading about 1h. Again, NO COSTS attached. I would be definitely up for it. And I could imagine you too.

But so far I failed with my approach to clearly express this option and I’m not sure what I’m missing. I’d love to get your opinion what is causing your? behavior I’m observing.

Short background - I provided my collections of key insights for several really interesting topics. But watching the number of attendees that follow through and enjoy reading the insights is compared to the engagement with the post itself very low.

Here a list of topics with the corresponding posts. My first assumption is - these topics are interesting for you, aren’t they?

  • I cracked the Code to perseverance - key insights from 5 books : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_turn-your-routines-to-powerful-rituals-activity-7184809157126950912-ODPG?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  • Crush the ThePower MBA in 30 Days: Discover my Strategy! - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_20-thepower-mba-books-activity-7160542661148315648-DyiY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  • 6 top books recommended by Lara Acosta - helped her hit $100k/mo <2 years : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_turn-your-routines-to-powerful-rituals-activity-7184809157126950912-ODPG?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  • Elevate your writing with these 8 key ingredients distilled from 6 books: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_on-writing-activity-7167443208279437313-Bs-d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  • Top 13 Books to Transform Your Approach with Mindful Productivity: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_13-books-for-mindful-productivity-activity-7165623658764300288-iaBV?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  • Supercharge Your Leadership Journey: 12 Essential Skills & Their Perfect Book Matches - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_12-essential-skills-their-perfect-book-activity-7153327047367344128-kIQO?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

I assume they are interesting. Then what is the missing link that causes others and you? to not leverage the opportunity to read through such key insights. These are my top 5 assumptions and I’d love to get your opinion too:

1) The option to get a free access to read these key insights is unclear. I’m missing a proper explanation. 2) You assume there is a hidden cost attached. Why should you trust me? 3) You tried to follow through, but the steps to install the Blinkist app and get your free access is too complicated 4) Reading is not longer a thing and even this short time invest to get these key insights is too much

What is your assumption? And what would you suggest to change so that the message is clear and easy to follow through?

👉 I’m highly interested in your opinion and would love to learn with your comments or DMs.

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-04-18_Thu


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