My highlights KW16
LinkedIn Post
Unbubble your LinkedIn feed with my top 5 finds…
(Be Kind, Obsession, NPS, GPT-5 🚤, perseverance)
This week was about
↳ Things are tough. Be kind!
↳ badly timed NPS questions 🙄
↳ GPT-5 is gonna steamroll you
↳ I cracked the code to perseverance
↳ signs you’re obsessed with LinkedIn 😂
Here are 5 posts that changed my perspective:
Things are tough. Be kind. by John Cutler
“GPT-5 is gonna steamroll you” - Sam Altman by Ruben Hassid
7 signs you’re obsessed with LinkedIn by Alex Shahlaei Beeching🍊
Triggered by badly timed NPS questions and terrifically obvious attempts by organisations to game the results of their surveying by Matt Ballantine
My top post: 🏆 I cracked the code to perseverance (after years of failing)
What was your highlight on LinkedIn this week?
👉 Unfollow me if you want to miss out on more finds like these.
Content preparation
Unbubble your LinkedIn feed with my top 5 finds… (Be Kind, Obsession, NPS, GPT-5 🚤, perseverance)
This week was about ↳ Things are tough. Be kind! ↳ signs you’re obsessed with LinkedIn ↳ badly timed NPS questions ↳ GPT-5 is gonna steamroll you ↳ I cracked the code to perseverance
Here are 5 posts that changed my perspective:
Things are tough. Be kind. by John Cutler
7 signs you’re obsessed with LinkedIn by Alex Shahlaei Beeching
Triggered by badly timed NPS questions and terrifically obvious attempts by organisations to game the results of their surveying by Matt Ballantine
“GPT-5 is gonna steamroll you” - Sam Altman by Ruben Hassid
My top post: 🏆 I cracked the code to perseverance (after years of failing)
What was your highlight on LinkedIn this week? 👉 Unfollow me if you want to miss out on more finds like these.
Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-04-19_Fri