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My highlights KW29

LinkedIn Post

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My top 5️⃣ LinkedIn Insights this Week 💡
(❌ Age Limits,Productivity, ⬆️ Children,Mind 🏞️)

This week, I explored:
↳ Turn your job search to a research journey
↳ Empower children with clarity in 5 steps
↳ Struggling with daily productivity?
↳ 5 Visuals to empower your mind
↳ Don’t let age define your limits

Here are 5 posts that sparked my thinking:
✪ How to empower your children with clarity in 5 steps
by Greg Garunovhttps://lnkd.in/eXwEx7RQ

✪ Struggling with daily productivity?
by Alan (AJ) Silberhttps://lnkd.in/eiCrVDRS

✪ Who … is going to hire me at 56 years old?
by David Hannanhttps://lnkd.in/eTpMbJgg

✪ 5 Visuals to empower your mind
by Hannah Wilson ✍🏻https://lnkd.in/e89xNekh

My top:
Turn your job search to a research journey

Your turn: What inspired you this week?

♻ Repost to help others in your network
➕ Follow me for more posts like this

Content preparation

My top 5️⃣ LinkedIn Insights this Week 💡
(❌ Age Limits,Productivity, ⬆️Children,Mind)

This week, I explored:
↳ Turn your job search to a research journey ↳ Empower children with clarity in 5 steps ↳ Struggling with daily productivity? ↳ 5 Visuals to empower your mind ↳ Don’t let age define your limits

Here are 5 posts that sparked my thinking:
✪ How to empower your children with clarity in 5 steps by Greg Garunov ─ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/greggarunov_5-steps-to-help-your-kids-develop-a-strong-ugcPost-7218723086588592128-Y7jm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

✪ Struggling with daily productivity? by Alan (AJ) Silber ─ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ajsilber_struggling-with-daily-productivity-activity-7222212243440963585-HEiu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

✪ Who … is going to hire me at 56 years old? by David Hannan ─ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/davidkhannan_who-the-fck-is-going-to-hire-me-at-56-years-activity-7221843062291890176-8oM4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

✪ 5 Visuals to empower your mind by Hannah Wilson ✍🏻 ─ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/quotedvisually_5-visuals-hannah-wilson-quoted-visually-activity-7221831797741961217-mtym?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

My top: Turn your job search to a research journey https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_bringbackluke-activity-7221030415132696577-AcHH?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Your turn: What inspired you this week?

P.S. ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-26_Fri


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