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    My running list of 12 favorite problems


    How can I extend my nutrition with healthy elements without at the same time harming the environment?

    Help others to grow

    How can I help others to grow & learn fast and leverage my knowledge and build on what I learned over the years?


    How can I grow a permaculture based garden where I flourish with being in flow while thinking about topics?

    Continuous Learning

    How can I find a good balance of learning topics that make sense to get capable of and at the same time leverage technology and already existing knowledge?

    • How can I establish my OKR habit - How can I consistently achieve the goals I set for myself?
    • What facets of my life can I automate?


    How can I grow my wealth to a level that I can think and act independently and at the same time stay connected, social and caring?

    • How can I generate income pursuing my interests?

    How can I stay financial self managed and incorporate best knowledge to create a compounding income, leveraging advantages of tax management?


    How do I express myself clearly and regularly my wife to show her that I love her to the moon and beyond? How can we cultivate a romantic relationship of respect, understanding, support, care, affection, and passion as a couple?

    How can I hold a good connection with all my children and help with their growth and at the same time ensure that they stay highly engaged, with their curiosity?


    What does living in integrity with myself look like?


    What can I do to get clearer on my purpose?

    Leading questions to discover more of my 12 questions

    What were you obsessed with as a child or teenager? (Ask your parents or caregivers)

    • playing Handball
    • being in the forrest and playing in nature
    • playing computer games

    What are the longest running hobbies you’ve had in your life?

    • sometimes to immerse in playing strategy games

    What common themes or patterns do you notice emerging in your life repeatedly?

    • learning and my curiosity bring me joy

    What kinds of stories, art, or music give you goosebumps, make your hair stand up, or move you to tears?

    • Ludovico Enaudi
    • High energy music on the bike
    • Stories from people who contributes something meaningfully where they and others where proud of and that contributes to better something

    What pursuits that others consider challenging do you find fun and engaging?

    • learning
    • 5AM club
    • information science

    What do you find your mind wandering to in the in-between moments of your day?

    • building my independence and at the same time being accountable to ensure my children will have a good start in their lives

    If you could wave a magic wand and have the ultimate answer to any question, what question would it be?

    • How can I sustain a healthy and sustainable long lasting life and contribute meaningfully to the world?

    If you could travel to the future and ask your future self anything, what would it be? What would you ask your past self?

    • How did you enable that immense growth?

    If you read all the books and took all the courses you wanted to, what question would you like to have answered after all that?

    What are your most pressing problems currently?

    !Feynmans 12 favorite problems


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    Join The Friday Brain upgrade

    Welcome to my weekly newsletter where I write about how to unlock the art of effective learning, replace frustrating and outdated approaches, and finally achieve meaningful results while enjoying the process.

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