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1000 Peloton Rides

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My Emotional Journey: 1,000 done in 3 Years

→ 30,000 km Logged with Daily Sessions → Having fun, grinding, and feeling exhausted

I decided during the Lockdown, back in 2021.

→ to invest in my fitness → I ordered my Peloton; a heavy ticket! → I remember taking my first ride—OMG.

Should I like it or return it?

I chose to like it and build my routine!

→ Got on the bike daily. Started with 30’ → Joined Learning Programs for foundations → Increased to 45’ daily; got stronger each ride → Discovered the POWER ZONES; got hooked → Riding now 120’, 90’, 60’, 45’, 30’ sessions

➠ I formed the routine through ↳ CONSISTENCY ↳ SMALL STEPS daily ↳ making it EASY to start

Leading to:

→ reaching soon 22000’ this year → just celebrated 1000 rides → being stronger than ever

Is it always easy? NO WAY

Do I sometimes hate it? OH YES

Did I cry on the bike? I admit, yes I did! → especially in tough sessions → when emotions come to the surface → while your body is consumed and flow appears

➠ I love these moments of full immersion

What is ONE way you immerse?

Happy inspirational Saturday, everyone 🌻

🔔 I share insights daily at 8:00AM (CEST)
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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-08-17_Sat


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