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7 Advantages from Working out loud in my digital garden

LinkedIn Post

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🌱 Building Collective Intelligence - One Idea at a Time
(My small contribution to Democratizing Knowledge)

In a world overflowing with information, having a space to nurture, share, and connect ideas is crucial for:
↳ fostering collaboration and innovation
↳ harnessing collective intelligence
↳ accelerating progress

I recognize the privilege my access to knowledge has granted me,
and I feel deeply committed to giving back,
making learning accessible and enriching for everyone.

That’s why I cultivate my digital garden—my crowded space 😇 where thoughts evolve, sparking conversations and building shared understanding.

Here’s what this ongoing journey is teaching me:
✪ Rapid Sharing:
When I share ideas promptly, it invites you to provide timely feedback, refining our thoughts and accelerating our collective learning.

✪ Serendipitous Connections:
Our random interactions in this garden lead to unexpected and enriching exchanges, fostering a community where you and I continue to learn together.

✪ Feedback Loops:
Each post I make acts as a mirror, reflecting both my insights and your perspectives, enhancing our growth and understanding.

✪ Learning through Expression:
As I articulate my thoughts, it forces me to delve deeper.

✪ A Living Archive:
My garden houses thoughts at various stages of growth, ready for you to explore, expand upon, and challenge.

✪ Memory and Understanding:
Creating my personal interpretations of knowledge helps with retention and makes learning a personal and engaging process.

🤔 As I grow this garden, I continue to refine its design and usability.
I’m curious—What would your ideal digital garden look like?

Huge thanks to Anne-Laure Le Cunff and Maggie Appleton for your inspirational work on mind gardening.

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  • I can share my thoughts fast with you
  • This motivates discussions in a solid ground instead of artificial high level without a common understanding
  • I enable serendipity through random connecting with others
  • It creates a feedback loop, for myself just by the sheer fact that I’m writing, but also from readers
  • Connecting thoughts enables learning
  • My digital garden is a shareable copy of my ideas and my way to contribute to the growth of our collective intelligence. It is my small footprint and a way of giving back, sharing the privilege of learning.
  • Learn something on the long run
  • Express thoughts deepens learning as I need to think further about what I’m publishing. I think more about linkings thoughts, about phrasing is in an understandable way
  • my garden is a collection of evolving ideas
  • it contains thoughts in different stages of maturity. I share early on, so that others can pick it up fast
  • it is a contextual knowledge space
  • you better remember information when you create your own version of it

thanks for your inspiration Anne-Laure Le Cunff and Maggie Appleton

  • I’m not yet there with the design and usability of my digital garden. So I wonder, what would help you to better leverage this knowledge?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-04-27_Sat


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