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How I write my notes

LinkedIn Post

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Focused writing increases clarity and retention.

Optimize your setup now.

Over time, I developed my own style for making notes. I’m all in with the my note-making Swiss-army-tool Obsidian.

With more than three years practice and thousands of notes created, let’s look at six core elements I use for my daily focus. ———

→ I focus on the current line I’m writing. The line is always centered on the screen. Other lines are visible but blurred.

→ I have immediate access to recent notes I’ve used. As thoughts often connect, I scan through topics I’ve just explored parallel to my writing.

→ The outline of my current note is always visible next to my writing window. This provides an easy overview and adjustment of my structure.

→ I have my visual elements ready Especially for writing my LinkedIn posts, I have to formatting elements like → ➠ ↳ … side by side with my main writing window.

This enables fast access and avoids distraction.

→ I use the Minimal Theme One highlight is colored headlines with different colors for headline levels, which is a simple way to orient in a note.

→ I learned the Obsidian editor functions, and two magic ones for me are: ⇢ Drag and Drop linking to other documents. Which makes it so easy to connect thoughts.

⇢ Knowing the Markdown syntax makes writing and simple formatting much easier I’ve memorized the important shortcuts.

In essence, it is about a setup that:

→ supports my flow → creates a focused writing experience → make access to my other thoughts simple

To get there I recommend:

→ experimenting with your setup to support you best → becoming one one with your writing environment → enjoying the journey and iterations

What is ONE writing tip that helps with your writing?

I help people learn how to learn, retain and recall with ease

🔔 I share insights daily at 8:00AM (CEST) ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-10-15_Tue


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