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Recall in Minutes

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

Learning takes time.

But recalling insights should be instant.

I took a 4-week course on Learning how to Learn in May 2023.

→ I invested days immersing → It was eye-opening

Fast forward 16 months.

I can recall fragments. But I fail to explain in depth.

Imagine you would have to prepare a MasterClass. You want to integrate key learnings from a course.

In the past, I would:

⇢ Try to find notes somehow ⇢ Re-watch parts of the course
⇢ Search with AI, risking hallucinations
⇢ Often give up, overwhelmed by the time it takes

I couldn’t apply what I learned when I needed it.

I would have invested days of learning something. LOST or heavily fragmented.

This is not longer the case!

For the past two years, I’ve been growing my Second Brain. An approach by Tiago Forte. Where I Capture, Organize, Distill and Express.

→ One search and all my notes are available

→ A Map Of Content as main entry point

→ my PERSONALIZED distilled insights

➠ Ready to be applied in seconds.

You can recall weeks of learning in minutes.

→ For a presentation

→ For helping a coworker

➠ For preparing my upcoming virtual MASTERCLASS

⇢ where I help you LEARN HOW TO LEARN, retain and recall with ease

Only 5 days left:

⇢ (Sep 24-25, https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7239150762038104064?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28activity%3A7239150762038104064%2C7239173617412952067%29&dashCommentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_comment%3A%287239173617412952067%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7239150762038104064%29)

What was ONE moment a fast recall would have helped you?

👉 FOLLOW ME on LinkedIn

Content preparation

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-09-19_Thu


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