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Learning about Uncertainty

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3 Steps to Stay Motivated Amid Uncertainty
(Scenarios — Vivid Vision — Backcast Goals)

In a workshop with Graham Norris, I discovered the power of the Uncertainty Mindset. With an uncertainty mindset you:
↳ build on creating awareness
↳ activate imagination and
↳ creativity.

Embracing the unknown and being open to various future possibilities is key.

3 steps to cultivate an Uncertainty Mindset:

1️⃣ Think in Scenarios - Build Stories About Your Aspirational Future
Develop multiple scenarios to prepare for different futures:
→ What uncertainties exist?
→ Elaborate on implications
→ Name and describe each scenario
→ How old are you and others in your scenario?
→ Identify commonalities and differences across 4-5 scenarios

2️⃣ Make Your Vision Vivid
→ Create an aspirational future by embedding great experiences from your past
→ Reflect on what is within your control or influence
→ Make the future concrete

3️⃣ Backcast Your Goals
→ Work backwards from your long-term goal instead of starting from today
→ Start with the future and trace back to the present

By following these steps, we:
💡Enhance problem-solving
💡Prepare for different potential futures
💡Increase resilience by being psychologically prepared for uncertainty
💡Improve goal clarity and reduce constraints from immediate obstacles

What’s your go-to strategy for staying motivated in uncertain times?

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3 steps how to stay Motivated amid Uncertainty (think Scenarios — vivid Vision — Backcast goals)

In a workshop with Graham Norris on the topic Staying Motivated Amid Uncertainty I learned about the Uncertainty mindset.

With an uncertainty mindset we build on creating awareness, activate imagination and creativity. I need to overcome my psychological allergy to uncertainty. And learn to embrace the unknown and being open to various future possibilities.

3 steps help to grow an uncertainty mindset: 1️⃣ Think in scenarios - build a story about your aspirational future To broaden your perspective, develop multiple scenarios to prepare for different futures.

You could start with:

  • how old are you and others in your scenario
  • what is the uncertainty (and what further uncertainty coexist)
  • name and describe the scenario
  • elaborate on implications
  • think about 4-5 scenarios and look at commonalities and main differences

2️⃣ Make your vision vivid

  • make it an ASPIRATIONAL future (e.g. by embedding great experiences from your past)
  • make the future concrete
  • reflect on what is in your control but at least your influence

3️⃣ Backcast on your goals

  • work backwards from your longer term goal (instead of starting from today)
  • instead of projecting from now to the future — start with the future and trace back

Through these 3 steps we:

  • enhance Problem-Solving
  • prepare for different potential futures
  • improve goal clarity and are less constrained by immediate obstacles
  • increase resilience by being psychologically prepared for uncertainty

What’s your go-to strategy for staying motivated in uncertain times?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-18_Sat


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