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On My Way to Becoming a 4MAT Learning Types Expert

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On My Way to Becoming a 4MAT Learning Types Expert 🎓

I’m thrilled to be diving deep into 4MAT and the 4 Learning Types over the next 3 days with Hanne Houbak, Europe’s leading 4MAT expert.

I believe that tailoring learning to our individual styles is the key to smarter, more motivated, and effective learning. 4MAT is the perfect tool to amplify that!

My Goals:
✨Gain deeper insights into all 4 Learning Types
✨Explore how AI can enhance 4MAT implementation 🤖
✨Discover ways to integrate 4MAT with my Second Brain approach  🧠
✨Learn techniques to design more tailored workshops and training sessions

(And I’m sure I’ll learn so much more…)

Working directly with Hanne is an incredible opportunity,
and I want to bring your questions to our sessions!

👉 Ask your 4MAT questions in the comments below!
I’ll do my best to get answers for you.

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Content preparation

On my way becoming a 4MAT learning types expert

The next 3 days will be full immersion into 4MAT and the 4 Learning Types. I’m looking forward to being trained by Hanne Houbak. I’m convinced that tailoring learning to really support our individual way of learning is crucial to Smarter Learning - learning with high motivation and engagement, more effectively and efficiently.

What I aim to learn:

  • Deeper insights on all 4 Learning Types
  • Impulses how to design more tailored workshops and trainings to support individual learning approaches
  • further clarity how to connect that with learning through a Second Brain
  • my own discovery for ways to amplify the 4 Learning Types with AI

As I’m on the way and will directly work with Hanne, the leading expert for 4MAT in Europe - maybe you have questions that I might ask her? Add all your questions in the comments and I’ll try to find answers for you and reply later directly in the comments.

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-26_Sun


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