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My 4MAT Learning Style

LinkedIn Post

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Are you a WHAT learner too? 🔍✨
(Discover how understanding your learning style can amplify your growth!)

Based on the 4MAT Learning Types,
I’m a strong WHAT learner – Style 2 – Analytic.
This means I lean towards thinking and involve my left brain hemisphere.
When I learn, I balance between Doing/Exercising and Watching/Observing.

My learning type is characterized by:
→ Examining cause and effect
→ Learning by thinking through ideas
→ Collecting objective data and critiquing information
→ Applying critical thinking, analyzing, and seeing connections
→ Needing to know what things are and breaking them down into parts

No wonder I’m growing a Second Brain!

When I present, explain, or teach, I:
→ Provide significant information presented systematically
→ Transmit knowledge as accurately and knowledgeably as possible

I lead by:
↳ Respect for others
↳ Emotional intelligence
↳ Logical argumentation
↳ Clarity and confidence
↳ Using positive language
↳ Creating WIN-WIN approaches
↳ Embedding non-verbal communication
↳ Tackling topics with rationality and logic
↳ Exercising authority with assertive persuasion and knowing the facts

To stretch further, I aim to:
🧪Trust my instincts more
🧪Dare to experience chaos
🧪Take more risks and action earlier

Imagine the impact of designing trainings that match different learning types. I’m on it with my training about 4MAT. Stay tuned for optimized training sessions!

👉 Curious about your learning type? Let me know!

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Content preparation

I am a WHAT learner - Style 2 - Analytic

Based on 4MAT Learning Types I’m a strong WHAT learner - Style 2 - Analytic. I’m leaning towards thinking, involving my left brain hemisphere. When I learn I’m balanced between Doing/Exercising and Watching/Observing.

My learning type is characterized through:

  • collecting objective data and critiquing information - no wonder I’m growing a Second Brain
  • I apply critical thinking, analyze and see connections between different pieces of information
  • I learn by thinking through ideas
  • I need to know what things are and break things down to its parts
  • I examine Cause and Effect

When I present, explain, teach:

  • I transmit knowledge
  • as accurate and knowledgeable as possible
  • with significant information and presented systematically

And I lead by:

  • tackling topics with rationality and logic
  • exercising authority with assertive persuasion and knowing the facts
  • with clarity and confidence, respect for others, logical argumentation, emotional intelligence, embedding non-verbal-communication, creating WIN-WIN approaches, using positive language

I can stretch further by:

  • go more with my instincts
  • taking more risks and action earlier
  • daring to experience chaos

Now imagine the effect of knowing about different learning types and designing trainings that match these different types. I’m on it with my training about 4MAT. Stay tuned for further optimized trainings next!

Curious about your Learning Type? Let me know!

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-28_Tue


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