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AI and compressing

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn My LLM — compression, expansion, and translation
(the best about any topic—in the right form for any given context)

Tired of information overload? LLMs can help you cut through the noise.
To distill complex data into the core knowledge that matters…

I leverage LLMs capability to — compress, expand, and translate.
To make knowledge easier to find and apply.

Examples for my everyday applications of compression, expansion, and translation:

→← Summarize conversations:
From Zoom meetings to podcast insights and YouTube video transcripts,

→← Scan research papers:
I upload documents to ChatGPT to extract insights, providing my specific questions in mind

→← Speed-read books:
With Blinkist, I skim key insights quickly and explore related content with its AI recommendations

←→ Content creation:
To expand initial ideas into detailed content drafts for marketing materials, such as landing pages. I especially leverage the 5 Lightbulbs by Billy Broas that help me with initial ideas.

←→ Idea generation:
Starting from a simple prompt, LLMs help me brainstorm and explore ideas further. E.g. for finding new connections with Smart Connections in Obsidian.

➟ Multilingual support:

➟ Refine communications:
My AI-powered tools assist in enhancing the clarity and impact of my written content. With my GPT that supports me with writing on LinkedIn.

➟ To connect concepts:
For instance to learn about the connection between the 4 learning types and the Second Brain approach.

(https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAAKL8GsBzskp6PXO_6V6KYNHGfh5D6s_hXM)Dan Shipper’s meta perspective resonates with me:
„Language models are cultural technologies. They give us the best of what humanity knows about any topic—in the right form for any given context”

My next experiment with AI compression and translation:
I’m currently reading the Fastlane Millionaire. A mind blowing book.

How do you use AI for compression, expansion, and translation?

👉Follow me for more on AI to grow a Second Brain

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Content preparation

LLM — compression, expansion, and translation (the best about any topic—in the right form for any given context)

How can I store information in a way that it helps me with later retrieval and usage to create new knowledge? How can I distill to the main insights for me?

For my Second Brain, I leverage LLMs capability to – compress, expand, and translate – information. I use AI to optimize the storage and retrieval of knowledge. With that I ensure that insights are both accessible and actionable.

Several use cases for compression, expansion, and translation in my daily routine:

  • Distill complex information into succinct summaries
    • summarization of long conversation
      • e.g. Zoom meetings summary
      • extracting main insights from Podcasts - TODO:Link
      • to summarize YouTube videos (transcript with Matter, summary with Claude)
    • Scanning research papers. With specific questions in mind, even better. Upload the paper to ChatGPT and ask for main insights extraction.
    • When I look for specific directions to decide if I should read an article or book - with Blinkist to fast skim key insights from book, also combined with Blinkist AI to find adjacent content.
  • Expand brief ideas into detailed explorations
    • creating copy drafts for landing pages based on thoughts about the 5 Lightbulbs marketing messages
    • Generate ideas based on initial thoughts I provide to an LLM
  • Translate a prompt from on form into another
    • With my GPT that supports me with writing on LinkedIn.
    • Daily help with translations between English and German
    • Support with refining written communication
    • For connecting topics with each other. For instance to learn about the co “Language models are cultural technologies. They give us the best of what humanity knows about any topic—in the right form for any given context” - Dan Shipper

My next experiment with AI summarization and translation: I’m currently reading the Fastlane Millionaire. A mind blowing book. And I’ll take all my highlights I created while reading and ask for a summary based in the highlights. I’ll keep you posted on the results.

What is your experience with AI and compression, expansion, and translation?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-07_Tue


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