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Simple Marketing For Smart People

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I’m hooked by 📖 Simple Marketing for Smart People
(Next on your reading list?)

I just started “Simple Marketing for Smart People” by Billy Broas and Tiago Forte. Here’s why I’m hooked after reading just one-third of it:

Favorite quotes:
→ “What does my prospect need to believe in order to buy?”

→ “all this marketing complexity can too easily rob your attention from what matters most: your core marketing message”
(the central argument for why someone should choose your product or service)

→ “You must meet your customers where they are and walk the journey with them to buying your product.”

→ “when you keep things simple, you free up the time, attention, and headspace to invest in what matters most.”

Great River metaphor and distinction between
Upstream, Midstream and Downstream areas for marketing.

3 smart person mistakes about marketing:
1️⃣ Thinking the Product Will Sell Itself
2️⃣ Incorrect Assumptions about Success
3️⃣ Seeing Marketing as Inherently Bad

3 step belief building
1️⃣ Identify your prospects’ current beliefs
2️⃣ Identify the beliefs required for the purchase to be obvious
3️⃣ Create the marketing content that builds those required beliefs

Why I’m hooked reading further:
→ Great storytelling
→ Tons of insights and derived many follow ups
→ Love the perspective switches between Tiago and Billy
→ They got me - the content connects to my struggles with Marketing

Looking for a compelling Sunday read? This might be it!
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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-06-09_Sun


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