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5 Learning Hacks

LinkedIn Post

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I was so tired of forgetting what I learned

Then I discovered tactics to:
→ learn with focus
→ retain information
→ apply learnings fast

Five tactics stood out for me:

1️⃣ Efficient Information Processing

→ Set up a system to fast collect and organise relevant information.
→ Highlight what’s important.
→ Apply progressive summarisation for processing books:
→ 1st stage: Highlight key points.
→ 2nd stage: Further distill highlights and extract core insights.

2️⃣ Combine Focused Learning with time to digest

→ Plan resting periods where your mind can wander.
→ Allow your brain to connect what you’ve learned during these times

❗️Avoid interruptions that override what you learned (E.g. scrolling social media, watching TV)

3️⃣ Keep Extensive Notes and Connect Insights

→ Link notes to one another
→ Extract what is important to you
→ Organise your notes as insights evolve
→ Visualise your notes with tools like mind maps.
→ Use Maps of Content (MoCs) as high-level entry points.

4️⃣ Connect Learning to Outcomes

→ Visualise or write down the outcomes your learning enables
→ Create a vivid image of your evolution. Engage your emotions
→ Consider how the new knowledge will help you achieve something greater

5️⃣ Embed AI in your Learning Journey

→ to help with explanations.
→ as a thinking partner to find connections
→ to extract and summarize information from various sources

Bonus Tip > Express and Apply Fast

→ Use what you’ve learned immediately
→ Write about it or share it with others as a next step

What learning twists work for you?

P.S. - Please repost ♻ if you found this useful

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Content preparation

  • efficiently process information connected to my learning topic
    • build a capture pipeline that allows to fast forward relevant information in your learning funnel
    • then highlight what is important
    • Apply progressive summarization for processing books
      • 1st stage with highlights, next stage with further distilling highlights and extracting core insights.
  • combine focussed learning phases with time to digest. Plan for resting periods where your mind can wander and your brain connects what was learned.
  • keep extensive notes and connect learning insights from different sources
    • reformat and structure as insights evolve.
    • link between notes
    • work with Maps of Content - index notes that provide a hight level entry point
    • visualise e.g. using a Mindmap
  • connect what you learn to an outcome. What can you do better once you learned about your topic? Take some moment to visualise or write down how that learning helps you achieve a topic either better or new, that you were not yet able to do.
  • embed AI in the learning journey
    • to help me with explanations
    • to extract information from various sources and summarise
    • as thinking partner - to find connections
  • express/apply fast. Use the learnings and do something with it.
    • Already writing about it, sharing it with some is a great next step

(details for Belief-Claim-Proof) Belief: A notebook is a secret weapon of top creatives. Claim: Top thinkers and creatives relied on notebooks throughout history. Proof: Leonardo da Vinci. (ethos) Format: Text + Image. Marketing Channel: Instagram


  • Create an emotion: surprised, angry, happy,…
  • make the reader think
  • use big numbers, stats, certain important words e.g. Millionaire

One person:

One Problem/Story:

  • A specific situation you or the reader is in

One Solution:

One Result/Outcome/How:

One CTA:

P.S. - Please repost ♻ if you found this useful

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-08_Mon


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