🪴 (plotted plant) |

Thanks to my LinkedIn community

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

I admit I’m on LinkedIn 2-6h/day

→ and sometimes, when in doubt I remember

I started with intense LinkedIn writing 8 months ago.

I wrote daily for 6 months with less traction.
I struggled with my content format.
Did not really grow my reach.
3h daily but low return.

I felt like GIVING UP soon.

I’m an explorer.
I want to understand things.
But I was not yet good at one main topic.


I learned from great creators on LinkedIn.
I joined courses, watched tutorials,…

→ It helped, but did not yet click for me.

I focused too much on solving that by myself.

All changed, when I joined a community of experts.
Let by Nat Berman and Darren Mass.
With awesome entrepreneurs.


I got it in a day (what I did not find in months)

➠ my missing link: ENGAGEMENT to form relations
↳ connections
↳ comments
↳ DMs

I now engage daily for 2h!

➠ Grew about 1500 followers since.
➠ Formed great relationships with You.

and ➠ I ASK FOR HELP, when I get stuck.

The difference?
I’m so thankful for YOU!
Continue sharing your awesomeness.

And please feel inv 👉 FOLLOW ME on LinkedIn

Content preparation


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