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Context Switch Helpers

LinkedIn Post

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How many tabs open? 20+ 🤪

→ this way I got my focus back → Context switching happens → Relax … and do it smarter

I use TOOLS TO SWITCH contexts super FAST.

Two examples that help me daily:

1‍⃣ gettoby - for managing my browser tabs

→ Load all Browser Windows I need for one topic → Lower cognitive load to remember sources → Reduce distractions


2‍⃣ Obsidian Workspaces → For fast switching project contexts → I load certain notes and context by project

As an example: For my daily LinkedIn, my workspace shows ↳ my note about formatting ↳ my main writing note ↳ ready to start fast


Two small tweaks, resulting in: → Focus ➠ clean, distraction free → Reduced cognitive load ➠ more ENERGY → Speed ➠ win back TIME for important stuff

Whats ONE way you manage your workspace?

🔔 I share insights daily at 8:00AM (CEST) ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-08-08_Thu


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