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Interesting how people do not change their approach to learning

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn Old Habits Die Hard
(especially when you are still successful)

Most people are like fleas deep in a rabbit’s fur, content with the familiar.
Philosophers, however, climb to the top, marveling at the world and questioning everything.

Let’s strive to see the world with curiosity and wonder.

When it comes to learning, I often see others:
→ Using outdated approaches
→ Having stopped learning altogether

What causes this stagnation? I assume:
→ Previous success breeds inertia
→ We are too zoomed in and don’t know better
→ We are overwhelmed with too many directions and information
→ Learning has lost its appeal and reminds people of unpleasant times

Old habits die hard!

We forget and underestimate:
→ The joy of immersing in a topic
→ The impact compounding knowledge
→ The importance of continuous learning to stay relevant
→ How much better and faster we can learn with the right approach

I discovered my way to climb to the top regularly. To embrace and sustain growth, I combine five pillars:
→ Learning how to learn
→ Investing in my fitness and combining it with learning
→ Leveraging technology and methods like Second Brain and AI
→ Working with a growth mindset and seeking learning opportunities
→ Running topics through the 4MAT learning cycle for retention and application

Want to reconsider your approach too?
Start with your intentional growth and send me a DM with “SMART”.
I’m happy to share more insights.

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Content preparation

Old habits die hard (especially when you are still successful)

Most people are like fleas deep in a rabbit’s fur, content with the familiar. Philosophers, however, climb to the top, marveling at the world and questioning everything.

Let’s strive to see the world with curiosity and wonder.

When it comes to learning I often see others

  • using outdated approaches to learning or
  • having stopped learning at all

I wonder what is causing that stagnation? I assume that:

  • their previous success breeds inertia
  • learning itself lost it appeal and rather reminds people of non pleasant times
  • we are just overwhelmed with all potential directions and information
  • we are too much zoom in and don’t know better

Old habits die hard!

And we forgot and underestimate:

  • the joy it can bring, when we immerse in a topic
  • the importance of continuous learning to stay relevant
  • the impact on keeping what we learned and compounded knowledge
  • how much better and faster you can learn when you level up your approach

I discovered my way to climb to the top regularly. To learn holistically and continuously I combine five pillars:

  • I learned how to learn
  • Leverage technology and methods like Second Brain and AI
  • Work with a growth mindset and seek opportunities to learn
  • Invest in my fitness and even combine fitness and learning
  • run topics through the 4MAT learning cycle to keep it and apply fast

Want to reconsider your approach too? Start with your intentional growth and send me a DM with “SMART”. I’m happy to share more insights.

P.S. - Please repost ♻ if you found this useful

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-06_Sat


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