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I am a Librarian Notetaker

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I’m a Librarian type of notetaker, You?

→ and I pick the best from all 4 types

Anne-Laure Le Cunff classified four archetypes for taking notes.

The 4 types described briefly (detailed Link in the comments)
Librarian ⇢ Organizes for easy information retrieval.

Gardener ⇢ Cultivates ideas and connections.

Student ⇢ Simple tools for focused learning.

Architect ⇢ Builds structured note systems.

Currently, the Librarian is most me.

As a Librarian, I

→ Have a practical relationship to info.
→ Save useful, interesting knowledge.
→ Capture varied, eclectic sources.

→ Organize for specific purposes.
→ Curate a knowledge collection.
→ Do Project-oriented research.

→ Use a Hierarchical system.
→ Serve future self’s needs.
→ Avoid content overload.

And sometimes I’m more of a Gardener

→ imagining
→ dreaming
→ wandering

making spontaneous creative connections.

I’m less of an architect nowadays.
This was different when I started.

Back then:

→ I wanted a tight structure for my notes
→ with a clear hierarchy
→ everything in place

I spent too much time of organizing my notes.
But too little time with actually applying it.

Once I found my system, I relaxed and now I’m a balanced Librarian.

Why does your archetype matter?

→ It helps to find your note-taking app
→ It guides how to tune your workflow

Knowing about all 4, also shows me what to integrate next.

What is your preferred archetype?
(Architect or Gardener or Librarian or Student)

I help people learn how to learn, retain and recall with ease

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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-10-07_Mon


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