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Obsidian Packaged

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Would you take this fast route to learning?
(Your construction kit for building your Second Brain with Obsidian)

Obsidian is my favourite app for taking notes and connecting my thoughts.
Second Brain is my favourite framework for Personal Knowledge management.
Combining both provides superpowers for learning and thinking!

But, starting with Obsidian and initializing your Second Brain can be daunting.
Ever wondered where to start?
It took me a large amount of time to create an effective Second Brain setup

Imagine starting your Second Brain with a proven setup,
avoiding all the trial and error.

What if you could leverage my years of experience working with a Second Brain to speed up your own setup?

I’m considering to provide you with a
prepackaged Second Brain setup in Obsidian.
Your package could include:
⚙️many How-Tos for various aspects of working with a Second Brain
⚙️Pre-installed Obsidian plugins with usage examples
⚙️a Simple starter PARA structure to Organise by Actionability right away
⚙️Supporting materials for the C.O.D.E flow - the core of your Second Brain

Are you interested in this?
What further starter components would be important for you?

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Content preparation

(details for Belief-Claim-Proof) Belief: A notebook is a secret weapon of top creatives. Claim: Top thinkers and creatives relied on notebooks throughout history. Proof: Leonardo da Vinci. (ethos) Format: Text + Image. Marketing Channel: Instagram

Starting with Obsidian and initializing your Second Brain can be tough. You might ask yourself where to start? I can tell you, it took me quite some time to derive a setup that supports the Capture-Organize-Distill-Express flow.

Instead of having to figure everything by yourself, what do you think about starting to grow your Second Brain right away based on a prepared foundation? Where you build on my experience of working with a Second Brain for several years now?

I could provide you with a prepackaged Second Brain setup based on Obsidian where:

  • main plugins I recommend are already installed
  • with examples for each plugin in action to make it tangible
  • a simple starter PARA structure is in place
  • with supporting material for Capture-Organize-Distill-Express
  • with links to several How-Tos for certain aspects of working with a Second Brain

Would that be interesting for you? What might be important starter components you would need in addition?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-06-13_Thu


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