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The Learners Tranformation

LinkedIn Post

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8 Roles, One Goal

→ Perfect Hooklines Every Time

➠ I want to write perfect LinkedIn hooklines

——— ❓What might be my learning path Let’s look at 8 Roles in a cycle of learning

Symbols explained: ✪ Role → main question for this role 🌱 applied to my topic of perfect hooklines ———

✪ Connector → Why should you care about it? 🌱 Because it makes or breaks a posts reach

✪ Reflector → How does it relate to you? 🌱 I want my daily insights to be used

✪ Idea Imager → Once learned, what will be possible? 🌱 Readers, who should do engage with my posts

✪ Understander → What theoretical foundation do I need? 🌱 What are the building blocks for hooklines? 🌱 What does good copywriting look like? 🌱 Understand pattern for hooklines 🌱 Study best performing posts

✪ Practicer → What core practice to I need to do? 🌱 Write hooklines according to learnings 🌱 Define experiments to learn about impact

✪ Experimenter/Maker → How can I apply that to my world? 🌱 Publish posts with hookline iterations 🌱 Create my hookline pattern library 🌱 Train my GPT as assistent

✪ Polisher → What is possible now? 🌱 A measurable impact on post impressions 🌱 My posts value reaches my target audience

✪ Performer → Apply it to your world 🌱 Each post has a stellar hookline 🌱 My GPT assistant takes over 🌱 Value delivered → YES

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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-25_Thu


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