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My Continuous Learning Journey

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How I ride🏄‍♂️ the AI Wave and Learn Smarter Every Day
(Your ticket to adaptability and preparing for the AI disruption)

AI is shaking up the job market, and this is just the beginning.
Many roles are evolving, demanding new skills and adaptability.

I’ve found that investing in smarter learning provides you an advantage in adapting to upcoming changes.

Learn with higher engagement, more effectively and efficiently, and grow your stack of compounding knowledge — I experience this every day.

My smarter learning approach, leveraging my Second Brain combined with AI, amplifies my knowledge as a developer, product builder, course designer, agile coach, leader, and content creator.

Riding the AI Wave: A Snapshot of My Learning Journey Over the Past 3 Years:
(especially since starting with Building a Second Brain)
→ 3000+ notes taken with 9000+ links and 1.8 million words - 750 notes available for you in my digital garden.
🧪By organizing and interlinking information, I ensure rapid retrieval and application of knowledge, crucial for keeping up with AI advancements.

→ I designed 23 different leadership group coachings, delivered to hundreds of attendees
🧪Leveraging AI and existing knowledge for course design.

→ 22 full books read and 1130 book summaries on Blinkist
🧪Processed further with AI and my Second Brain stages.

→ 16 long-form courses completed on top platforms
🧪Using AI and my Second Brain to extract key insights quickly.

→ 4 public presentations and 7 workshops given
🧪 Sharing my compounding knowledge through presentations and workshops and my digital garden.

My smarter learning formula includes:
↳ Investment in soft skills connected with habit building, deep work, metacognition, willpower, health, and fitness
↳ Building a Second Brain: capturing, organizing, distilling, expressing knowledge
↳ Obsidian as my knowledge hub, combined with a toolchain to support C.O.D.E
↳ AI amplification for each step in my learning journey

Want to evolve your own learning journey? Let’s connect!

Content preparation

How I surf the AI wave and learn smarter every day (your ticket to adaptability and preparing for the AI disruption)

Claim: AI is disrupting the job landscape. Many jobs will just disappear. Many jobs will required a massive level up on entry level skills required. Investing in Smart Learning approaches, where you learn with higher engagement, more effective and efficient and grow a stack of compounding knowledge will provide you an advantage to adapt to the upcoming changes.

I experience every day how my smarter learning approach where I leverage my Second Brain, combined with AI amplifies my knowledge as developer, product builder, course designer, agile coach, leader, content creator.

Proof: I just took the time to recap on my learning journey in the recent years, especially since I started with Building my Second Brain. Some statistics from my Continuous Learning in the recent 3 years:

  • I finished 16 (long form) courses - on Coursera, LinkedIn Learning and Cohort based courses
  • Read 22 full books, 1130 Books in Blinks on Blinkist
  • Took 3k notes, with 9k links and 1.8Mio wors
  • Designed 23 different leadership group coaching sessions, the got delivered to several hundred attendees
  • Gave 4 public presentations and 7 workshops
  • joined 4 communities

My ever evolving approach for Smarter Learni+ The Building a Second Brain methodology based on Capture-Organize-Distill-Express (C.O.D.E)

  • AI amplification for each step in my learning journey
  • Obsidian as my central knowledge hub combined with a whole tool chain to support C.O.D.E
  • my investment in soft skills connected with Habit Building, Deep Work, Metacognition, Willpower, Health and Fitness

Would you like to build you our path to smarter learning? Let’s talk!

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-25_Sat


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