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The Power of Communities

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

I felt isolated in my drive for learning.

It was tough to find like-minded people:
→ To exchange ideas with
→ To gain new perspectives
→ To challenge and be challenged

Then I discovered online communities and joined TWO strong paid ones.

→ Mindful Productivity
→ Community Leader: Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Brand Built:
→ Business, Branding, Networking, and Coaching
→ Community Leaders: Nat Berman, Darren Mass

Being an active community member shaped my path!

The value I get from communities
→ Mutual support:
Engaged communities care for each other,
share insights, and provide encouragement.

→ Early-stage insights:
Members can try ideas, collect feedback, and expose early thoughts.

→ Accountability partners
→ Access to collective wisdom

→ On-demand engagement:
Take part, take breaks, and re-engage later.
Recorded sessions and accessible threads mean you’re never out of the loop.

→ Networking with like-minded people:
Exposure to diverse perspectives while sharing a unifying topic.

What makes communities strong for me

→ Active members
→ Engaging activities:
Weekly ceremonies, shared materials, available courses, and recordings

→ Super active community leaders

I experienced firsthand how communities support social aspects and collaborative learning.

Especially for learning, I experienced:
→ The importance of accountability buddies
→ The impact of using modern learning approaches
→ The benefits of sharing progress and asking for help when stuck

Exciting news! 🗣️
I’m soon opening the QuintSmart community.
↳ A vibrant space for fast and effective learning.
↳ Implementing key insights I’ve gained.

Imagine tapping into the power in collaborative learning.

➠ Join the waitlist if you want to experience that too.
(Link in the comments)

P.S. - Please repost ♻ and share with your network
Spread your word and help your peers grow too!

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Content preparation

For a longer time I felt isolates with my drive for learning. It was tough to find likeminded people:

  • to exchange with
  • to gain new perspectives
  • to be challenged and challenge

Then I discovered online communities. And become a member in two strong paid online communities

  • NessLabs > Main topic: Mindful Productivity > Community Leader: Anne Laure Le-Cunff
  • Brand Built > Main topic: business, branding, networking, and coaching > Community Leaders: Nat Bearman, Darren Mass

Being an active community member influenced my path a lot,

The value I get from communities:

  • Networking with likeminded people. How else can you get exposure to so many different perspective and at the same time all having one bigger uniting topic in mind.
  • Accountability partners
  • Support for each other. In highly engaged communities, it is awesome how people care for each other, provide their insights, lift you up
  • Early stage insights on topics. I love that members have a platform to try ideas, collect feedback. It is a safe space to expose early stage thoughts.
  • Access to collective wisdom
  • I like the on demand possibility to engage. I often zoom in with a community, learn a lot, contribute. Then also have a break just to zoom in a little later again. Because topics are being recorded, discussion threads are accessible I’m not forced to be always online.

What makes these communities strong for me:

  • Active members
  • Super active community leaders
  • engaging activities - e.g. weekly ceremonies, material shared, courses available, recordings

Thinking of growing your own community? I can recommend Circle.so or Skool as platforms. A comparison of both is available in the comments.

Especially for learning I experienced:

  • the importance of accountability buddies
  • the impact of using modern approaches to learning
  • sharing progress, asking for help when getting stuck

A community supports this social aspect and collaborative learning.

Now, guess what: I’m soon opening the QuintSmart community. A vibrant community for fast and effectful learning. Implemented main insight I gained.

There is a real power in collaborative learning. Join the waitlist if you want to experience that too. (Link in the comments)

P.S. - Please repost ♻ and share with your network

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-10_Wed


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