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Learning is the making of meaning

LinkedIn Post

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Learning is the making of ✨meaning✨
(It’s like when you learn why the sky is blue, not just that it is blue)

We learn by doing things and thinking about what we did.

You can make learning meaningful by:
↳ Using what you learn in different contexts
↳ Thinking about information in different ways
↳ Connecting new ideas to things you already know

Why I care about meaning:
💡Learning is More Fun
Learning is more exciting when you really understand and care about what you’re learning

💡It Makes You Happier
Doing things that make sense to you and are fun can make you feel happy and less worried

💡You Remember Better
When you understand things, you remember them longer.

💡You Get Better at Thinking
You learn how to solve problems and think better

——— P.S.
I just learned: The sky is blue because tiny particles in the air, mainly nitrogen and oxygen molecules, scatter the blue light from the sun in all directions. This scattered blue light fills the sky, making it look blue to us.

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Content preparation

Learning is the making of meaning It’s like when you learn why the sky is blue, not just that it is blue.

Learning is about understanding and interpreting information in a personally meaningful way rather than just memorizing facts or acquiring information.

We learn by doing things and thinking about what we did.

You can make learning meaningful by:

  • Using what you learn in different contexts
  • Thinking about information in different ways
  • Connecting new ideas to things you already know

When I care about meaning:

  • Learning is More Fun - learning is more exciting when you really understand and care about what you’re learning
  • You Remember Better - when you understand things, you remember them longer.
  • You Get Better at Thinking - you learn how to solve problems and think better
  • It Makes You Happier - doing things that make sense to you and are fun can make you feel happy and less worried

——— P.S. I just learned: The sky is blue because tiny particles in the air, mainly nitrogen and oxygen molecules, scatter the blue light from the sun in all directions. This scattered blue light fills the sky, making it look blue to us.

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-29_Wed


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