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The case for self directed education

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I bet on SELF DIRECTED education

→ I spent 4 years studying and used not much

I followed a recommendation and watched: “Education that Works” by Danny Iny

While watching I nodded with YES a lot!

Education has not changed enough Looking at the speed of changes Education is mainly outdated

We still follow the myth to spent TIME Our most valuable asset 4-7 years and more Spending huge $ 100-300k++ WASTED?!

Someone needs to strongly call it out: ➠ THE EMPEROR IS NAKED ➠ Something is messed up

I suggest to opt in to something better SELF DIRECTED EDUCATION

Invest in learning how to:

→ Take Initiative → Be Resourceful → Get Things Done → Play well with others → Ask better questions → Handle Ambiguity well

→ Learn how Learn AND LEARN

Think like an EXPLORER, being excited about what you might find.

Knowledge is more accessible than ever before. You can network with strong thinkers worldwide. You can collect money through many ways. You can use high speed, high impact learning. You can learn self directed!

Your choice between

4-7 years time bound Handholding Conformity Debt

——— OR ———

Your pace Self directed Passion + Iteration ➠ Success

I’m now reading 📖 Leveraged Learning Once processed I’ll report on insights

What is ONE thought that immediately comes to mind?

I help people learn how to learn, retain and recall with ease

🔔 I share insights daily at 8:00AM (CEST) ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

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Content preparation

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-09-08_Sun


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