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Second Brain - How to start

LinkedIn Post

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🧠 Second Brain 🧠 is getting attention!

How ignorant I was to not yet explain:

→ why to think about it
→ what to use it for
→ where to start

Your Why

Your mind is for having ideas,
not for holding them

Do you agree?

→ Yes - read on
→ No - don’t start a Second Brain

Still here? WOW - let’s start your journey

Your What
A Second Brain is a transformative method to

→ Organize your digital life
→ Unlock your creative potential
→ Learn smarter and more effectful

5 steps to implement your Second Brain
(in less than 5h)

1️⃣Understand the C.O.D.E approach (1h)

→ CAPTURE - my way to capture > https://lnkd.in/gyQccGkC

→ ORGANIZE - 3 powerful ways > https://lnkd.in/en3wh47B

→ DISTILL - a book distillation example > https://lnkd.in/gAKXt-Ch

→ EXPRESS - one form to express: write > https://lnkd.in/gYV4hr_K

➠ key insights from 📖 Building a Second Brain (see comments)

2️⃣ Setup your information central (15’)

I use Obsidian. A great place to start.
some alternatives: Notion, Roam, Evernote

→ Install Obsidian
→ Remember PARA
(Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives)

→ Create folders for 1-3 projects

3️⃣ Implement ONE first Capture flow (1h)

I use Matter as my capture tool
→ Subscribe to Matter
→ Add your first 3 new insights
→ Install the Matter-Obsidian plugin
→ Auto-transfer your highlights from Matter to Obsidian

You can do the same for your Kindle.

4️⃣ Distill your first thoughts (1h)

→ Extract your main insights
→ Add your own thoughts as a note
→ Connect your thoughts via linking notes

5️⃣ Express/Apply - a first step (1h)

Can you share it with someone?
→ Can you create something from it?
→ Is that a building block for something?

Closed the information gap for where to start?
For more information, contact me.
Happy to jump on a call!

P.S. - Please repost ♻ if you found this useful

👉 FOLLOW ME on LinkedIn

Content preparation

🧠 Second Brain 🧠 is getting attention

How ignorant I was to not yet explain:

→ why to think about it → what to use it for → where to start

——— Your Why ———

Your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_your-mind-is-for-having-ideas-not-holding-activity-7185177462991917057-QrHa?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Do you agree?

  • Yes - read one
  • No - Don’t start a Second Brain

Still here? WOW - let’s start your journey

——— Your What ——— Second Brain - a transforming method to

  • organize your digital life
  • unlock your creative potential
  • learn smarter and more effectful

——— 5 steps to implement your Second Brain (in less than 5h) ———

1‍⃣ Understand the C.O.D.E approach (1h)

  • CAPTURE - my way to capture > https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_how-i-capture-my-ideas-instead-of-losing-activity-7187714173403824128-dWb_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

  • ORGANIZE - 3 powerful ways > https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_i-use-3-powerful-approaches-to-organize-all-activity-7203651769107689473–5Hw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

  • DISTILL - a book distillation example > https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_how-i-make-reading-books-7x-more-effective-activity-7206188440961384448-JZYd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

  • EXPRESS - one form to express: write > https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastiankamilli_building-collective-intelligence-one-activity-7189896055679787008-rBdN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

➠ key insights from 📖 Building a Second Brain (see comments)

2‍⃣ Setup your information central (15’) I use Obsidian. A great place to start. some alternatives: Notion, Roam, Evernote

  • Install Obsidian
  • Remember PARA (1‍⃣)
  • Create folders for 1-3 projects

3‍⃣ Implement ONE first Capture flow (1h) I use Matter as my capture tool

  • Subscribe to Matter
  • Add your first 3 new insights
  • Install the Matter-Obsidian plugin
  • Auto-transfer your highlights from Matter to Obsidian

You can do the same for your Kindle.

4‍⃣ Distill your first thoughts (1h)

  • Extract your main insights
  • Add your own thoughts as a note
  • Connect your thoughts via linking notes

5‍⃣ Express/Apply - a first step (1h) With your distilled information and thoughts:

  • Can you create something from it?
  • Is that a Closed the information gap for where to start? For me information, contact me. Happy to jump on a call!

P.S. - Please repost ♻ if you found this useful

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-11_Thu


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