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My current writing toolstack

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

11 Tools That Power My Daily LinkedIn Writing
(4 AI-driven already)

Since I began posting daily on LinkedIn, I’ve fine-tuned my writing tool stack.
Over time, AI tools have become crucial components.

Here are the 11 tools that support my daily writing (🤖 for AI):
→ Obsidian - for writing the draft - with focus mode and typewriter scroll
→ Pixelmator Pro for creating images - just an awesome image editing tool
→ 🤖 ChatGPT-4o and my specialized LinkedIn GPT for tuning my drafts
→ Todoist for managing my running list of topics - threshold 50+ topics
Brain.fm - neuroscience backed music that supports full focus work
→ 🤖 Midjourney AI, combined with InsightFace for creating images
→ Apple Notes for final short form writing of the LinkedIn post
→ 🤖 Smart Connections AI + Obsidian search for connection
→ Excalidraw (in Obsidian) for maps and diagrams
→ 🤖 Gemini 1.5 pro AI for 2nd perspective
→ Google Slides for creating Carousels

Each of these tools plays a vital role in my content creation process, helping me stay organized, inspired, and productive.

How do you support your writing?

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Content preparation

11 tools that support my daily LinkedIn writing (4 already deeply AI based)

Since I started with posting daily on LinkedIn I tuned my writing tool stack. Over time AI tools became a crucial component.

These 11 tools support my daily writing (🤖 for AI):

  • Todoist for managing my running list of next topics to write about - threshold 50+ topics
  • 🤖 Midjourney AI, combined with InsightFace for creating images and inspiration
  • Obsidian - for writing the draft - with special focus mode and typewriter scroll
  • Pixelmator Pro for creati+ 🤖 ChatGPT-4o and my specialized LinkedIn GPT for tuning my drafts
  • Brain.fm - neuroscience backed music that supports full focus work
  • Apple Notes for final short form writing of the LinkedIn post
  • 🤖 Smart Connections AI + Obsidian search for connection
  • Excalidraw (in Obsidian) for maps and diagrams
  • 🤖 Gemini 1.5 pro AI for 2nd perspective
  • Google Slides for creating Carousels

What supports your writing?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-22_Wed


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