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2 Months LinkedIn experiment summary

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

1500 followers in 2 months; a (too) high price

In July 2024, I set a goal to grow my LinkedIn following. I reached 1500 followers in two months. The journey was intense and all-consuming.

I spent 2-4 hours daily on LinkedIn. My routine involved: → Writing posts → Engaging in DMs → Connecting with new people → Commenting on others’ posts → Conducting 1:1 conversations

The result? I hit my goal. But was it worth it?

The Learnings

Here are three key insights from my two months all-in on LinkedIn:

➠ Assumption testing on topics

→ I tested various topics to see what resonated. → Some posts flopped, others soared. → This trial and error was crucial for understanding my audience.

➠ You LinkedIn investment drives learning

→ Each interaction taught me something new. → The time spent on LinkedIn wasn’t just about followers. → I learned about content creation, engagement, and networking.

➠ Awesome people, high value conversations

→ I connected with incredible individuals. → The conversations were enriching and insightful. → These connections are now valuable parts of my network.

While I achieved my goal, the cost was high. The hours invested were significant.

However, the learnings and connections made it worthwhile.

If you’re considering a similar journey, remember:

→ Invest in learning → Test your assumptions →Value the connections you make

In the end, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the growth and relationships you build along the way.

Thank you to all my new Followers

🔔 I share insights daily at 8:00AM (CEST) ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

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Content preparation

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-09-01_Sun


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