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LinkedIn Post

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They say GO NICHE, find your ICP

→ I’m not sure about that Ideal Client Profile

Isn’t Learning how to Learn so fundamental? So that everyone would benefit? If they might learn effortless with lasting results.

But who are “THEY”?

——— Me, for sure Why was/is Learning how to Learn for me:

→ It took too much time to relearn → My information was scattered all over → I forgot most of what I learned (frustrating)

→ I always learned a lot evolve: ↳ in new roles ↳ to solve my topics better ↳ to get into higher career positions

——— Let’s exclude (although I don’t like that):

My Learning how to Learn approach is not for:

→ Up to age 10, who likely don’t yet get the topic → People who don’t face the need to upskill → People who don’t see a value in learning → People with no time to do anything new → People who have to mainly memorize (e.g. for a speech)

——— Let’s include:

→ People who understand that they have to learn → People who enjoy learning: ↳ faster (saving time) ↳ with lasting results (retain what they learned)

→ People who: ↳ can already read and write ↳ have access to a computer

Who are “THEY”? You?

What is ONE thought pro/contra with Learning How to Learn?

I help people learn how to learn, retain and recall with ease

🔔 I share insights daily at 8:00AM (CEST) ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

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Content preparation

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-09-09_Mon


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