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Second Brain and AI presentation at FU Berlin

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🧠💡 Amplify Your Mind with a Second Brain + AI
(Insights from presenting at Freie Universität Berlin)

Fresh from presenting at Freie Universität Berlin on Second Brains and AI productivity, I’m inspired by the experience – thanks to Dr. Tiziana Guerra!

In a dynamic 90-minute session, I :
↳ Demoed my Second Brain workflow
↳ Revealed the power of compounding knowledge
↳ Showcased AI for knowledge discovery and summarization.
↳ Delved into organizational methods like PARA and Maps of Content.
↳ Introduced C.O.D.E theory (Capture-Organize-Distill-Express) with real-time examples.

🌟 Excited to Share this Journey with YOU! 🌟
Ready for a Second Brain + AI deep dive for you or your team?
Let’s talk - comment or DM me!

The session sparked great questions, discussions and philosophical debates.
Loved the energy, leaving us buzzing with new ideas and connections to explore.

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Content preparation

Yesterday I gave a presentation about working with a Second Brain and amplifying with AI at “Freie Universität Berlin”. Thanks to Dr. Tiziana Guerra for organizing.

In 90’ I provided an overview on:

  • High level overview with live demo of my Second Brain
  • The core approach - Capture-Organize-Distill-Express C.O.D.E theory + live examples
  • The organizing approaches PARA and Maps of Content
  • and leveraging AI for summarization, as layer on top of your Second Brain, for serendipity and extending discovery of new connections
  • the effect of compounding knowledge

I really enjoyed great questions, starting reflections and philosophical discussion about learning.

It was an impulse setting event. After that session, for sure with an overload, one leaves with many new hunches to follow through. And I’m looking forward to their next steps.

So - tell me if such a live insights session, combined with a high level overview on Second Brain + AI is interesting for you or your team too. Just directly in the comments or write me a DM. Based on interest, I’ll run a next session.

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-04-25_Thu


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