🪴 (plotted plant) |

Put a filter in between

LinkedIn Post

Post at LinkedIn

👉 FOLLOW ME on LinkedIn 60 newsletters and >100 attention grabbers

→ I must avoid information overload

——— JUST A NORMAL INFLOW ——— → I subscribed to 60 different newsletters → Scan 100+ online sources per week → Watch videos, listen to podcasts

➠ Isn’t it a crazy amount of information

I adjusted and implemented my filter approach: ↳ I use the read-later app Matter between

Typical situations when I pick from Matter

→ I wait in queue, hands free → I want to discover something → I have 5-10 minutes in between

➠ Matter integrates in my capture stage ➠ Where I apply five steps to distill insights

→ Forward instead of consume immediately → Read/Listen when in processing mode → Highlight very important parts → Import highlights as notes → Integrate on demand

This helps me to avoid information overload

→ all in on place: Newsletters, Podcasts, Video → with peace of mind of having it saved → distraction free reading+listening → integrated AI summariser

Matter integrates in the Second Brain apprWhere its all about information an the CODE: ↳ Capture ↳ Organize ↳ Distill ↳ Express

Want to learn more about it? 👉 Follow me

Content preparation

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-07-18_Thu


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