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No time to learn

LinkedIn Post

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8h work, 8h sleep, only 8h left

→ sorry, but we have no time to learn → I hear us say as the main problem → The less time it seems at first → The higher the surprise is → Once we zoom in

Agree with: → Let’s never cut on quality time. → Relaxation, Fitness, Family → Work to an extent too

Nothing left then right? Not really!

Here are 3 irritations I want to create: Let’s kill our time eaters and learn instead!

We speak about 30’ per day for learning, OK?!

Can you imagine:

→ To STOP with DOOMSCROLLING → To REDUCE “just NEWS” consumption → To revisit our mindless entertainment habit

I bet once you examined just these 3

➠ You win back 1h per day at least

Let’s use this 1h as QUALITY TIME, please!

I’m sure you’ll spent the first 30’ wisely 😉

And let’s speak about the 30’ for learning I might have some surprises for you!

DM me ‘smart’ if you like surprises 🤗

🔔 I share daily insights at 8:00 AM (CEST) ♻ Repost to help others in your network ➕ Follow me for more posts like this

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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-08-19_Mon


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