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Emotional Learning through Peloton

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🚴‍♂️ Pedaling Through Breakthroughs: Energy and Ideas on My Peloton 💥

It is the last 5 minutes of an intense 90-minute Peloton workout. Being exhausted and on the verge of closing the session, it happened.

Matt played Darude-Sandstorm.
Pure energy surged through my muscles. 🚴‍♂️
250 Watts plus and 5 minutes of high intensity. 🔥

At such a high, I experience a full range of emotions.
Tears can flow, and I’m super connected. It was a moment of pure happiness.

I find myself thinking through topics I focused on earlier.

From “Learning How to Learn,” I learned about the FOCUSED and DIFFUSED modes of learning.

On my Peloton, I tap into the diffused mode. When in diffused, I often find solutions to problems, new ideas, or emerging concepts.

I design these Focused-Diffused sequences on purpose. Here is how:
→ Morning Routine:
As a member of the 5AM club, I spend my first 3 hours in focused mode, writing and learning.

→ Transition to Exercise:
Without longer distractions, I get on my bike for about 60 minutes.
During this time, my thoughts wander, and I connect them to my morning learning.

→ Mental Link:
When an important thought comes up, I decide to note it after my session.
This keeps me accountable.

→ Immediate Notes:
Right after cycling, I jot down my thoughts.
A new LinkedIn post idea, a contact to reach out to, or a product concept.

To support your Focused and Diffused Modes:
✅ Ensure Smooth Transition:
Ensure an easy switch from focused to diffused mode.
I can get on my bike within 5 minutes, keeping my thought flow intact.

✅ Choose Wandering-Friendly Activities:
Choose an activity where your thoughts can wander.

✅ Prepare Follow-Up Tools:
Have your tools ready.
Cycling near my creativity space, I can immediately follow up on my thoughts.
Create a routine that blends focused and diffused modes.

Have you experienced such magical moments of learning?
If not yet, what is ONE thing you’d love to try?

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Content preparation

I did a 90 minute intense Peloton workout. And in the last 5 minutes, being exhausted, near to closing the session it happened. Matt played Darude-Sandstorm and it was like pure energy to my muscles. 250 Watts plus and 5 minutes of intensity.

At such a high, I can sense a full range of emotions. It’s when also tears show, when I feel super connected. It was a moment of being happy.

What I can sense during such longer fitness sessions, that I can think through topics I had a focus on before. From Learning how to Learn I got the concept of focused and diffused mode of learning. On my Peloton I tap into the diffused mode. It is often that I find a solution to a problem, that an idea shows, that a concept emerges.

And I create such moments with intention:

  • I write and learn in the morning. Being a member of the 5AM club I usually spent my first 3 hours in the morning with full writing and learning focused mode.
  • Without longer distractions I get on my bike afterwards. Usually 60 minutes. When thoughts wonder, I follow them a bit. I explore its connection to my previous learning.
  • With a thought to keep I state my inner intention to take a note after the cycling session. This creates a mental link and accountability.
  • Immediately after a session, I take notes on thoughts that appeared. Sometimes it is a next LinkedIn post topic, a contact to reach out, a product idea

What are the special ingredient:

  • Make your transit+ Chose an activity where your thoughts can wander. Like on my Peloton, I can do the exercise and still have enough capacity to think, dream a bit and follow topics.
  • Have your follow up tools prepared. As I’m cycling closed to my creativity space, I can immediately follow up.
  • Design your flow for combining focused and diffused mode.

Did you experience such magic moments of learning too? If not yet, what is ONE thing, you would love to try?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-06-30_Sun


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