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The Pitch Transformer

LinkedIn Post

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I went into a pitch transformer, grilled by 7

→ lengthy version in → short one out

This week I was in a pitch session. Everyone had prepared their pitch version. We were given just 30 seconds to impress. The group delivered REAL feedback.

What a great challenge!? I messed it up the first time. Then somehow got my first out. Waiting for applause … got grilled.

Look at my pitch transformation (from - to):

——— From version——— Hi, I’m Sebastian, I help knowledge professionals learn fast, with impact to stay relevant and secure their jobs.

Imagine mastering new skills in half the time—how would that impact your career?

My three-stage process builds a strong foundation, boosts knowledge, and applies it effectively.

I use AI and a Second Brain approach, for high-speed learning and retention.

Ready to learn fast, with impact?

——— To version——— Ever had a thought dangle on the tip of your tongue, just out of reach?

Imagine never needing to chase a thought down again.

I help people → LEARN how to learn → RETAIN and → RECALL information with ease


What is ONE thought this sparked for you?

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Content preparation

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-08-31_Sat


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