Thinking about Essays
Nice card based essay landing page with a flow from left to right by Julian Shapiro
[[The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online – Write of Passage]]
Write Personal, Observational and Playful
- If your words make you feel naked, you’re probably onto something.
Jokes, riddles, slang, coined terms, funny phrases, and thought experiments are all part of the repertoire. Sneak your sentences some swigs of tequila until they’re a little tipsy (too much will make your reader gag). If you’re making your ~prisoner~ reader smile, you’re onto something.
[[The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online – Write of Passage#TYPES OF FEEDBACK|CRIBS - Confusing, Repeated, Interesting, Boring, Surprising]]
Good writers distill hours (or weeks) of experience into a short, compressed artifact.
No matter how good it was, it wouldn’t spread without great marketing.
Think of newsletters like little “Digital Postcards.” They can be quick and personal.
A shiny dime is the smallest viable idea you can write about. Like “Snakes on a Plane,” it’s the most compressed distillation of what you’re trying to say
- Good writing is focused. It orbits around a single point.
- A coined phrase is the most compressed version of a shiny dime.
Coined phrases often hold these characteristics:
- Surprising – They surprise us in the moment, but feel obvious in retrospect. Once we see them, we can’t unsee them.
- Ambiguous – They create suspense and spark the reader’s curiosity.
- Visual – Good metaphors activate the reader’s senses and are as vivid as they are true.
- Fun – Like a jingle, you can’t help but say them out-loud.
Keep your grammar simple at first. Extravagant punctuation can distract from your main message. If you break the rules, do it deliberately (like Monet).