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Wardley Mapping Leadership Post

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5 Key Insights on Leadership Learning unveiled through Wardley Mapping

While mapping Leadership Learning Development, with leaders or aspiring leaders at the core, I centered the map around main needs of upskilling leadership soft skills being rapid learning and practical application of the knowledge. 🎯

Here’s what emerged from the Wardley Map:
✪ We’ve developed a plethora of exercises for our group coaching sessions. Could these be valuable as standalone resources?
✪ The importance of application speed is often overlooked. Our two-week group coaching cycle - a session, then two weeks for implementation and preparation - seems to be the golden mean. 😊
✪ We’re quantifying ROI for our group coaching sessions. Could this approach of working with ROI measurement become an independent offering?
✪ Platforms like Circle and Maven could start providing course facilitation aids shortly. Will they prepare full soft skill session and create a market for facilitators?
✪ Our delivery process is custom, but could automation streamline group invites and adjustments? Who can recommend great tools for that?

Even as a novice, the Wardley map has illuminated our Group Coaching approach, revealing potential modifications and significant shifts in our service delivery.

But I’m early in my journey. Can you spot areas for improvement in my map? Where should I expand or simplify?

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Content preparation

I rediscovered my love for Wardley Maps and really cool that now it got much easier to create via OnlineWardleyMaps (link in the comment).

And I started to map Leadership Learning Development. Anchor - our main user - a leader or someone growing in a leadership role.

Main needs for upskilling on leadership soft skills are: Application of that knowledge and speed of learning.

By mapping I found some interesting spots:

  • We create many great exercise that we use in our group coaching sessions. Would people be interested in purchasing such exercises by themselves?
  • Speed of application might be a component that we underestimate at the moment. Our group coaching sessions provide a great way to apply knowledge. And currently we learned that a timeframe of 2 weeks for clients is working well. Means a group coaching session and then 2 weeks to apply and prepare for the next session.
  • We invest in making ROI for group coaching sessions tangible. And we know that there is a demand for ROI measurement approaches. Can we bring this to the market in addition too?
  • I do anticipate that course platforms like Circle,Maven will soon start to provide own course instructions and help course facilitators to run great sessions. I already learned that from Maven with their good marketing material to support session facilitators
  • Delivery is currently heavy custom build. Question: Do you maybe already know product where maintaining group invites and adjustments can be automated?

What it shows - with just some investment in visualization (and myself not being an expert in it) … a Wardley map provides a canvas to discuss about our Group Coaching approach. And we can already anticipate developments in the wider range, that we might shape or that will influence our way of providing our group coaching service.

As I’m a starter with Wardley Maps, likely there are great improvements. What would you question? Where should I extend the picture or reduce it?

Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-01-23_Tue


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