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5 keys to readability

Source: 5 keys to readbility

On Youtube

  • clear, interesting, leaves you with a learning

Overview on the tips for readability

Key 1 - Average sentence length 17

  • shorter sentences are easier to follow
  • 15-17 words

Key 2 - Use concrete nouns

  • instead of abstract ideas
  • use physical things you can see/touch/drop on your foot

Key 3 - Use active verbs

  • is, are, were are week

A list of active verbs (got that from ChatGPT): accelerate - achieve - adapt - address - administer - advance - advocate - analyze - assess - assign - assure - attain - build - collaborate - compile - conduct - construct - coordinate - cultivate - decipher - dedicate - define - deliver - demonstrate - depict - establish - evaluate - finalize - focus - generate - guide - harmonize - implement - improve - influence - innovate - investigate - interpret - launch - leverage - maintain - manage - monitor - navigate - operate - perceive - prioritize - produce - progress - promote - propose - pursue - reconcile - revise - seek - simplify - strategize - strengthen - synthesize - transform

Key 4 - Write person-filled

  • with persons in it, our writing connects to us as human
  • we feel included

Key 5 - 1-syllable words about 75%

  • Examples of syllable words are ‘cat’, ‘piano’, and ‘television’
  • short words
  • e.g. use the word talk instead of the word conversation


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