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Learning about Focus Drivers Approach - Park, Off Road, Sports, and Eco mode

Focus Drivers is a method he developed to increase productivity while maintaining mental well-being. Intention to align mental rhythms, balance rest with work, and increase predictability in actions

Can help save working memory by grouping tasks according to modes and reducing cognitive load. (connects to MOC - Learning How to Learn and limited cognitive load)

Focus Drivers operates on four modes: Park, Off Road, Sports, and Eco mode corresponds to different levels of focus and tasks.

  • Park mode is about mental recovery and refueling
  • Off Road mode is for gaining new knowledge and problem-solving
  • Sports mode is for applying existing knowledge and avoiding distractions
  • Eco mode is for autopilot tasks with low resumption costs.

Importance of understanding our natural biological rhythms, such as the Ultradian Rhythm 1 and Circadian Rhythm, and aligning our work accordingly for peak performance.

The 4 modes in detail

Park Mode

Park Mode: This mode is all about mental recovery and refueling. It allows you to take a break and recharge your energy. By intentionally giving yourself time to rest and relax, you can avoid burnout and make your work more sustainable. Park Mode is essential for maintaining your mental well-being and aligning with your biological rhythms. It helps you refuel your energy so that you can perform at your peak during other modes.

Implement Park Mode by

  • Schedule breaks and downtime: Plan regular intervals throughout your day for mental and physical rest. Use this time to recharge, engage in activities that relax you, or simply take a break from work.
  • Disconnect from work: During Park Mode, try to disconnect from work-related tasks, notifications, and distractions. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the rejuvenation process and avoid burnout.

Off Road Mode

Off Road Mode: In this mode, the focus is on gaining new knowledge, exploring external ideas, and solving problems. It involves deep learning, experimenting with new perspectives, and expanding your understanding. Off Road Mode is characterized by curiosity and exploration. It is the phase where you consume information and actively seek out new insights and understanding. It allows you to broaden your knowledge and develop new perspectives.

Implement Off Road mode by

  • Designate focused learning time: Set aside specific blocks of time where you can delve into learning and exploring new ideas. Create a conducive environment free from interruptions.
  • Engage in deep work: Allocate uninterrupted periods to dive deep into topics, conduct research, read, and engage in activities that promote learning and problem-solving.
  • Experiment and explore: Embrace a curious mindset and actively seek out new perspectives, methodologies, or tools related to your field. Engage in activities that encourage creativity and open-mindedness.

Sports Mode

Sports Mode: This mode is centered around applying the knowledge and skills you already have. It is about executing tasks and leveraging your existing expertise. Sports Mode is where you take action and focus on implementation. By separating the learning phase from the doing phase, you can reduce distractions and maintain a deep flow state. It helps you stay focused on executing tasks efficiently without being distracted by the desire to learn something new.

Implement Sports Mode by

  • Define focused execution periods: Create time blocks dedicated to executing tasks that require application and implementation of your existing knowledge.
  • Minimize distractions: During Sports Mode, reduce interruptions, turn off unnecessary notifications, and create an environment that supports deep focus and productivity.
  • Prioritize action-oriented activities: Focus on tasks that have a tangible impact on your goals and desired outcomes. Use this mode to complete projects, meet deadlines, or make significant progress on your work.

Eco Mode

Eco Mode: This mode encompasses autopilot tasks and activities that require minimal cognitive effort. These are routine, mundane tasks that don’t necessarily move the needle forward significantly but still need to be done. Eco Mode is ideal for low-energy periods or times when interruptions are likely. These tasks have a low resumption cost, meaning you can easily pause and resume them without losing your flow. This mode allows you to make progress on less demanding tasks and create space for interruptions without derailing your workflow.

Implement Eco Mode by

  • Batch similar tasks: Group together routine or less demanding tasks that share similarities. By tackling them in one go, you can maintain efficiency and minimize context-switching.
  • Automate and streamline: Identify tasks that can be automated or simplified to reduce the time and effort required. Utilize tools, templates, or processes that streamline these tasks.
  • Allocate low-energy periods: Assign Eco Mode tasks to times when your energy levels are naturally lower. This ensures that you can still make progress on important but less mentally demanding tasks.

How to determine which mode to apply

Assess your energy level: Gauge your current mental and physical energy. If you’re feeling drained and need a break, Park Mode may be appropriate for recharging. If you have higher energy levels and are ready to dive into new material or problem-solving, Off Road or Sports Mode may be suitable.

Consider task requirements: Evaluate the task at hand and its specific demands. If it involves deep learning, exploring new ideas, or problem-solving, Off Road Mode is likely the best fit. For tasks that require executing existing knowledge or skills, Sports Mode is ideal. If it is a routine or less demanding task, Eco Mode might be the appropriate choice.

Prioritize your goals: Consider your priorities and desired outcomes. If you need to prioritize rest, mental recovery, or balancing your energy levels, Park Mode should be considered. If the goal is to expand your knowledge or generate new ideas, Off Road Mode will be valuable. If you’re focused on completing specific tasks with efficiency, Sports Mode is beneficial. Eco Mode can be used for tasks that are less critical or require lower cognitive load.

Recognize your natural rhythms: Pay attention to your own natural energy patterns and circadian rhythms. Some individuals may be more productive and focused during certain times of the day. Aligning the modes with your personal energy peaks can boost productivity and effectiveness.


I just introduced new labels in my Todoist to qualify my tasks according to modes. Combined with MOC 10K$ framework this is a powerful approach to focus on the important things, at the right time. So matching energy levels to important tasks one can do in these energy levels is a great overlap.


  1. Ultradian rhythms are biological rhythms that occur multiple times within a 24-hour period. The term “ultradian” comes from the Latin for “more than once a day.” These rhythms are in contrast to circadian rhythms, which cycle once a day (such as the sleep/wake cycle), and infradian rhythms, which cycle less than once a day (such as menstrual cycles). 

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