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My highlights KW19

Post at LinkedIn

My top 5️⃣ LinkedIn Posts this Week
(Insults, 🤑 fastlane, brilliant speech, can’t by time)

This week, I explored:
↳ The Millionaire Fastlane
↳ Insults and how to respond
↳ This speech is f⭐cking brilliant
↳ I can buy anything I want, but I can’t buy time
↳ I spent a full WORK WEEK exercising each month..

Here are 5 posts that changed my perspective:
This speech is f⭐cking brilliant by Nikolas Samios

A lesson from Warren Buffett and Bill Gates by Sahil Bloom
https://lnkd.in/eg-qbg7y ─ I can buy anything I want, but I can’t buy time.

Specific forms of insults and how to respond to them by
Dr. Adem Mulamustafićhttps://lnkd.in/eZpZH3G6

Book Byte # 123 - “The Millionaire Fastlane” by Jason Ziebarth - https://lnkd.in/eX_QgbPR

My top: Turns out, I spent a full WORK WEEK exercising each month.. ─ https://lnkd.in/eT62kVuw

Your turn: What was YOUR week’s highlight?

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Posted on LINKEDIN on 2024-05-10_Fri


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