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Notes from Playing to Win


  • Strategy is intimdating as you need to make choices (and say NO)
  • Intellectual challenging
  • research based view of the world
  • Strategy is an integrated set of choices that compels desired outcome action.
  • Compel as a difference to force

Five questions

  • What is your winning aspirations? What are your trying to accomplish?
  • Where will you play? (What is your battlefield)
    • where do customers get a benefit
    • what customers are we talking
    • what distribution channel
    • finished product or component to be integrated
  • How will you win?
    • How can you solve that problem on a much lower cost?
    • How will you be better
    • For cost leadership you need to have enough scale
    • Differentiation is often easier
  • How can you be better than your customers?
  • What capabilities do you need to have that enables you?
    • Is there a learning curve?
  • What enabling management systems do you need to have in place.
    • to build and maintain the moat
  • The ultimate way to compete to win is to never actually be forced to compete
  • Don’t try to hold back the tide
    • Water finds a way to flow
  • What is the single most painful gap that I’m currently facing?
  • Great strategists have one thing in common – they practice doing strategy again and agin

Playing to Win (instead of just playing to play)

Either via lowest cost option … or .. by a real differentiator.

Understand customers as best as possible. And can you deliver that in a different way?

Good reference to Helmer and the 7 Powers Notes from the 7 Powers - Strategy

  • as a good categorization of the factors for building a competitive moat

Important - Customer need to lack something that we can provide

  • compelling customer action


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