Welcome to my digital garden! 🌱

I'm publishing early thoughts on topics Agility, Lean, Product Discovery and Delivery, Management. Have fun exploring.

20 recent plants in my digital garden

The primes presentation

The Primes Presentation Presentation on Slideshare: The Primes - How any group can solve any problem Linking

Second brain and ai presentation

Second Brain and AI presentation Linking

Agile 2 presentation

Agile 2 Presentation Linking

Principles of product development flow presentation

Principles of Product Development Flow Presentation Presentation on Slideshare: The Principles of product development flow - a summary Linking

Smart learning and leadership talk

Smart Learning and Leadership Talk TALK: Smart Learning and Leadership Empowering Yourself and Your Team in the AI Era Linking

Scrumban revolution talk

Scrumban Revolution Talk Talk: Scrumban (r)Evolution Linking

Cost of delay presentation

Cost of Delay Presentation Talk:Cost of Delay, measurements and parallel vs. sequential project processing Linking

Learning that pays dividends

Learning That Pays Dividends Workshop-Recording: Learning That Pays Dividends Workshop Slides: Agenda Workshop Briefing for AI Workshop Briefing for AI Stats 5 attendees 20 registered (but 2x date shifted) about...

Discover your second brain

Discover Your Second Brain Workshop-Recording Workshop Slides: Agenda Workshop Briefing for AI Landing Page information Stats 13 attendees 25 registered about 100 messages LinkedIn - FiveLightbulbs messaging Passive or Active...

The highlight extraction experiment

How I rescued 400 book highlights without endless typing or scanning. That moment when you realized you’ve highlighted 400 passages in a paper book… a challenge I wrote about yesterday:...

How to distill from a paper book

That moment when you realize you’ve highlighted 400 passages in a paper book… Today I got a small challenge for you. This morning I finished reading $100M Leads from Alex...

My presentations, talks, podcast, videos, workshops

My Presentations, Talks, Podcast, Videos, Workshops My list of Presentation, Talks, PodCasts, Newsletter, LinkedIn Posts, Articles The Friday Brain Upgrade - my weekly Newsletter All my Newsletter-Editions Workshop Learning That...

Building blocks

I want to access my best ideas in seconds, not hours → How I use building blocks to compound 2 days ago I ran the Learning That Pays Dividends workshop....

Langdock next level

THIS JUST IN: Langdock’s update lets you build 5X more powerful AI assistants → 32 AI assistants built, 3 LLMs integrated Langdock just dropped a game-changing update, and I’m excited...

A small compounder example

From Book Highlights to Business Transformation in 48 Hours → Last Friday I read $100 Million Offers by Alex Hormozi. Yesterday I used key insights from the book and his...

Compounding learning

Remember that feeling of building with Lego bricks as a child? → That magic when scattered pieces become something valuable Not following the instruction manual step-by-step, but letting your imagination...

Pomodoro pact

8 days into my Pomodoro experiment, and the impact is undeniable. → Here’s what I’ve discovered: My PACT: (details: https://lnkd.in/g6Hra8Hc) ——— Use a daily Pomodoro sequence using Session for the...

Agi is here

The AGI conversation you’ve been missing → AGI isn’t just coming - it’s already here, reshaping our world in real-time. I just watched: AGI Is Here You Just Don’t Realize...

The vitamin trap

Leaders: Your training isn’t a vitamin deficiency. → It’s active organizational hemorrhaging. Dear Leaders, Agile Coaches, and Product People: Quick question: Do you regularly run sessions where you need to...

Blind spots in facilitation

While you’re proud of your slides → they’re wondering if faking a call is too obvious Meet Sarah, tasked with training her team on a new microservices architecture. Despite using...

Maps of Content

Moc learning how to learn
Moc 10k$ framework
Moc agile 2
Moc agile leadership course
Moc agile learning path
Moc artificial intelligence
Moc becoming a fastlaner
Moc building a 2nd brain
Moc cohort base courses
Moc community based courses
Moc continuous discovery habits
Moc course effective communication and negotiation
Moc digital garden
Moc feedback
Moc forming habits
Moc goal setting
Moc ikigai
Moc lifehacks
Moc linkedin writing
Moc midjourney
Moc negotiations
Moc presentation and public speaking
Moc product discovery
Moc receipts
Moc teams
Moc vegan living
My agile coach knowledge portfolio
My presentations, talks, podcast, videos, workshops


$10k training lesson 12 using leverage to grow your career (while you sleep)  🪴 (L)
$10k training lesson 13 a portfolio approach to $10k work  🪴 (L)
$10k training lesson 14 closing thoughts & what's next  🪴 (L)
$10k training lesson 2 how to waste your day 3 behavorial mistakes to avoid  🪴 (L)
$10k training lesson 7 the ultimate $10k task hiding in plain sight  🪴 (L)
$10k training lesson 9 no, a new ipad won't change your life  🪴 (L)
1 month accelerated linkedin growth  🪴
1 month into 2024 in line with goals  🪴
1 years nesslabs community  🪴
10 popular product frameworks a brief guide  🌰 (L)
10 components of a thinking environment  🌰 (L)
10$ 10k value matrix
1000 peloton rides  🪴
1000 workouts celebration  🪴
12 essential skills & their perfect book matches  🪴
12 principles behind the agile manifesto  🌰
12 rules for life  🪴
12 steps for strategizing  🌱 (P)
13 mindful productivity books  🪴
15 powerful life illustrations  🌰
15 prompt directions  🌰 (F)
15five checkins  🪴
16 workflow strategies  🌳 (P)
16 cashflow kpi to know  🌰
18 things mentally strong people do  🌰 (F)
1d for a 12 week mastery program  🪴
2 months linkedin experiment summary  🪴
2 months into 2024 fitness goals  🪴
2 weeks , 2 books  🪴
2 years from now  🪴
2 years of working with a second brain  🪴
2024 review and 2025 forward  🪴
21 important skills  🌱
22 books from the power mba  🪴
24 gpt4o use cases  🌰 (F)
2nd pass for ikigai das geheimnis der kleinen dinge  🌰 (L)
3 streaming methods for linkedin bursts  🪴
3 approaches to organize your second brain  🪴
3.5m linkedin  🪴
4 mat format compared to golden circle  🌰 (F)
4 tips for forming habits  🌱 (P)
4 more ingredients to finally get the weight drop  🪴
4 pillars of energy  🪴
4 top books for smarter learning  🪴
47 and working in startups_scaleups  🪴
4c training design  🌰 (F)
4d visual notes  🪴
4k follower thank you  🪴
4mat principles of learning  🌰 (L)
4mat styles profile  🌱 (P)
4mat transformation  🪴
4mat in a gpt  🪴
5 learning hacks  🪴
5 lightbulbs marketing with ai  🪴
5 mistakes that stop career growth  🪴
5 pillars of smart learning  🪴
5 reasons i'm hooked on linkedin  🪴
5 strategies to get work done  🌰 (F)
5 advantages of using a second brain to manage my knowledge  🪴
5 books about mental models  🌱 (P)
5 changes to learning and 3 main books  🪴
5 elements of effective thinking  🪴
5 hints for mastering coursera courses and earn your certificates  🪴
5 keys to readability  🌱 (P)
5 main assumptions to test  🌳 (P)
5 steps to process ebooks to highly distilled knowledge and amplify with ai  🪴
50 days into daily posting on linkedin  🪴
6 steps to active learning from podcasts  🪴
6 top books recommended by lara acosta  🪴
6 questions to establish psychological safety  🌱 (P)
60 useful performance review phrases  🌳 (L)
7 ai tools that i leverage daily  🪴
7 advantages from working out loud in my digital garden  🪴
7 benefits you gain from writing daily  🪴
7 sins of memory  🪴
7 years remarkable  🪴
77 posts learning recap  🪴
8 ways to deliver a presentation without powerpoint  🌰 (F)
8k followers 4mat connection  🪴
8k followers in data  🪴
9 chatgpt quick prompts to accelerate your learnings  🌱 (P)
9 leadership styles  🌰
9 tips how i learn in sync with my brain  🪴
A 6 Step framework for persuasive writing  🌰 (L)
A brief history & ethos of the digital garden  🪴 (L)
A four Step dance to effective feedback  🪴
A second brain to build a business  🪴
A vision why to share knowledge  🌱 (P)
A call for a second brain  🪴
A compounding stack  🪴
A meta prompts  🌰 (F)
A perfect organizational system  🪴 (P)
A role disappears  🪴
A session starter title of a book  🌰 (F)
A single book made a huge difference  🪴
A small compounder example  🪴
A systems thinking approach to life & knowledge management  🌱 (P)
A week with learning styles  🪴
Ab test what is your favorite  🪴
Ab test stats  🪴
Access approach  🪴
Ace problem solving model  🌱 (P)
Agi is here  🪴
Ai agents  🌱 (P)
Ai automated newsletter for new notes in my digital garden  🌱 (P)
Ai foundations well explained  🪴
Ai gtm tools  🌰 (F)
Ai interview tools list  🌰 (F)
Ai people directory with important drivers  🌱 (P)
Ai and secondbrain idea  🪴
Ai and compressing  🪴
Ai and the skipping junior level  🪴
Ai companion rather than tool  🪴
Ai in obsidian  🪴
Ai to foster learning  🪴
About ai and the switch to becoming more of a manager  🪴
About brainwriting  🪴
About confidence and competence  🪴
About mvp definition  🌰 (F)
About mastery my path with smart connect  🪴
About plateaus  🪴
About social learning  🌰 (F)
About strategy  🪴
About testosteron  🌰 (P)
About wardley maps  🪴 (P)
About a product mindset  🌱 (P)
About combining knowledge  🪴
About my experience with glucose level monitoring  🪴
About my usage of fleeting notes, permanent notes and literature notes  🪴 (P)
Accelerated learning unleashed how i conquered thepower mba in 30 days  🪴
Access to knowledge is only potential power  🪴
Access your emotional intelligence  🌱 (P)
Accountability ladder  🌱 (P)
Actionable agile metrics for predictability  🌱 (P)
Actionable agile metrics  🪴 (I)
Active listening superpower  🌱 (P)
Adaptabilty through aq and adapts model  🌱 (P)
Advanced ai learning  🪴
Advanced chatgpt guide  🌱 (P)
Advanced course design with the 4mat framework  🪴
Advantages of working with maps of content  🪴
Advice for financial freedom by ali abdaal  🌰 (L)
Advisor role by dr alan blanchard  🌰 (F)
Agile 101  🌱 (F)
Agile 2 presentation slides  🌱 (P)
Agile 2 presentation  🌰 (P)
Agile 2 and leadership  🪴 (P)
Agile coach career model from spotify  🌰
Agile coach prompts  🌱 (P)
Agile coaches to product coaches  🌰
Agile foundations  🌱 (I)
Agile framework scrum  🌱 (F)
Agile leadership capstone  🌱 (L)
Agile learning space as a subway map  🌱 (F)
Agile manifesto for business contexts  🪴 (L)
Agile manifesto  🌰 (I)
Agile methodologies  🪴 (P)
Agile mindset, values, principles and methodology in an overview  🪴 (P)
Agile organisation  🌱 (L)
Agile principles  🪴 (P)
Agile project management coursera course  🌱 (F)
Agile project management  🌱 (F)
Agile software development  🌱 (F)
Agile values  🌱 (P)
Agile for starters learning path with blinkist  🌳 (P)
Agility framework kanban  🌱 (I)
Agility framework scrum  🌱 (I)
Agility framework scrumban  🌱 (I)
Aim for the simple solution  🪴
All certifications in negotiation  🪴 (P)
All In One linkedin overview  🪴
An immediate code implementation  🪴
Analyze costs and benefits  🌱 (P)
Analyzing data with julius ai  🪴
Are we masking the real issue with feedback tools  🪴
Argument time through better learning  🪴
Argumentation for cohort based courses  🌱 (P)
Asana  🌱 (I)
Assumption testing course certificate  🌳 (F)
Atomic habits unfolding  🪴
Atomic ux research  🌱 (L)
Automate your life freeing time for what matters most  🪴
Automated recruiting  🌱 (P)
Basb my ways to capture to my second brain  🌱 (P)
Basb definition of a note  🪴 (P)
Basb keynotes from summit 8 ways to self sabotage  🪴 (P)
Beating procrastination  🌳 (L)
Becoming indispensable a pandemic power move  🪴 (L)
Behind the scenes  🪴
Being in the journey  🪴
Benefits of building a second brain  🪴
Bewusstheit consciousness  🌳 (L)
Bibs learning about agile  🌳 (I)
Bibs about teams  🌳 (L)
Blind spots in facilitation  🪴
Blinkist conrete use cases  🪴
Blue ocean strategy  🪴 (P)
Boiling frogs cghq paper  🌰 (L)
Book club future organization playbook 3rd session innovation architecture  🌱 (P)
Book notes capturing with chatgpt  🪴
Book list to find out jobs to be done  🌰
Boost your productivity with science you can hear  🪴
Brain scan day  🪴
Braindump exercise  🪴 (P)
Brainstorming for concreate actions for a user to take  🌰
Breakthrough facilitation virtual facilitator workshop  🌱 (L)
Building blocks  🪴
Building continuous discovery habits  🪴 (I)
Building strong habits one streak at a time  🪴
Building a 2nd brainpersonal knowledge management  🪴 (I)
Building a second brain insights  🪴 (L)
Building a second brain and the zettelkasten method  🌰 (L)
Building a second brain workshop post  🪴
Building a digital garden  🪴
Building a program with ai help  🪴
Building an inbox zero system  🪴 (I)
Building your second brain can help you develop the 21 skills that pay you dividents for life  🪴
Business parable about plan and chain of nonsense by jack trout  🌰 (F)
Business understanding power mba  🪴 (I)
Core values & principles a deep analysis  🌱 (P)
Can a sport teach you leadership  🪴
Capture one concrete next step  🪴
Capture for getting shit done  🌱 (F)
Capture from version 2.0 of the self paced course  🌱 (L)
Catch thoughts fast to not lose them  🪴
Catch your thoughts immediately  🪴
Causal loop diagram  🪴 (I)
Causal loop examples pictures  🌱 (P)
Change management  🪴 (I)
Chatgpt prompt guide visual  🌱 (P)
Checking in on 2024 goals my journey with habit formation  🪴
Clearly a what type the ikea screw counter  🪴
Co Active coaching  🌳 (L)
Collaborative learning strategies  🪴
Combine todoist and obsidian  🪴
Communication ted talks  🌱 (L)
Community chat notes word fundamentals  🌰 (F)
Complexity  🪴 (P)
Compounding knowledge feature  🪴
Compounding learning effects  🌰 (F)
Compounding learning  🪴
Compounding starts with you  🪴
Confidence and competence  🪴
Confluence (incl. easybi)  🪴 (I)
Context switch helpers  🪴
Continuous discovery habits  🌱 (P)
Continuous interviewing extract from cdh insights  🪴 (P)
Contrasts in learning  🪴
Conversion learning  🪴
Coping with stress simple steps  🌱 (P)
Cost of delay presentation  🌰 (P)
Cost of delay  🪴 (I)
Course confidence for women in leadership  🌱 (L)
Course notes eliminate unconscious bias at work  🪴 (L)
Course notes  🌱 (L)
Course playbook by circle  🌰
Course to work on my memory  🌰 (F)
Coursenames brainstorming  🌰
Create an outline  🌱 (P)
Creating okrs to Fit your backlog
Creating a flow of energy  🌱 (P)
Creativity and learning  🪴
Critical thinking cheathseet  🌱 (P)
Cross functional teams ideo shopping cart example  🪴 (P)
Crush the thepower mba in 30 days discover my strategy  🪴
Curiosity reflections  🪴
Currently used plugins in an overview  🪴
Daily ai usage  🪴
Dare to share linkedin second brain day 1  🪴
Day 0  🪴
Day 1 session notes  🌱 (L)
Day 1 of my masterclass what a great session  🪴
Day 2 session notes  🪴 (L)
Day 2 of my masterclass  🪴
Decide  🪴
Decision making and voting  🌱 (P)
Decision making  🪴 (I)
Decision making with 6 thinking hats (de bono)  🌱 (P)
Deep learning insights by huberman  🌰 (F)
Deftig vegan  🌰 (L)
Delegation matrix  🌱 (P)
Deliberate practice and the comfort zone  🌰
Deliberate practice  🪴 (L)
Design sprint  🌱 (I)
Design thinking  🌰 (P)
Desire change, disrupt understanding  🪴
Dev ops  🌱 (I)
Developing a team  🌱 (L)
Developing a zettelkasten  🌰
Difference poc, prototype, pilot and mvp  🌰 (F)
Different levels of ai support for writing  🪴
Differentiate the why and how of learning  🪴
Diffused and focused mode of learning  🪴
Dimensions to manifest learning example learning to facilitate  🌱 (P)
Discover your second brain  🪴 (P)
Discovery of core values  🪴 (P)
Discovery your second brain masterclass  🌱 (P)
Diversify your skills  🪴
Do delays have an equal weight  🪴
Don't restrict learning  🌱 (P)
Drowning in ai news overload?  🪴
Drowning in information  🪴
Ebitda cheat sheet  🌱 (P)
Easybi (jira)  🪴 (I)
Efficiency & effectiveness your team needs both  🌱 (L)
Eisenhower matrix
Embarking on a strategy odyssey with wardley mapping  🪴
Embrace failure  🪴
Embracing complexity my journey with grand strategy  🪴
Emotional agility quiz  🌰 (F)
Emotional learning through peloton  🪴
Empiricism  🪴 (P)
Empowered chris jones marty cagan  🌰 (L)
Engagement as a learning driver  🪴
Engagement, engagement, engagement  🪴
Enhanced learning capabilities  🪴
Entrepreneur learning is crucial  🌰 (F)
Entrepreneur several interesting books to scan  🌱 (F)
Escaping the Build Trap  🌰 (L)
Essay the code to leverage the effect of compounding knowledge  🌳
Essay preparation note  🌰 (F)
Estimations (story point usage)  🌱 (L)
Event post processing post  🪴
Excalidraw learning  🌱 (F)
Excalidraw magic  🪴
Excurs on posting style differences  🪴
Experience emotional writing  🪴 (P)
Experience of working with a dedicated task manager  🪴
Experience with learning in public  🪴
Explore option to build an ost using canvas in obsidian  🌰
Extending para notes  🌰
Extract from the art of action  🌳 (L)
Extractions from podcast  🪴 (L)
Extreme programming  🌱 (I)
F A S T L A N E s U P E R C H A R G E R  🪴
Facilitation myths misbeliefs misconceptions  🪴
Facilitation of your workshop  🪴 (I)
Facilitation  🪴 (I)
Fast capture while taking a course  🪴
Fast learning and fast position adaptation  🪴
Fast processing simple marketing for smart people  🪴
Fast processing ted talks  🪴
Fast usage of matter  🌰
Fastlane aspirants are my icp  🪴
Fastlaner key insights  🌰 (L)
Fear as my driver for learning  🪴
Feedback formula from sam  🌰 (F)
Feedforward a future Focused twist on feedback  🪴
Feeling overwhelmed about ai  🪴
Feynmans 12 favorite problems  🌱 (P)
Fight, flight and freeze stress response  🌱 (P)
Figma is making you a bad designer  🌱 (L)
Find your ikigai  🪴 (P)
Five ai Powered facilitation platforms  🌰
Five whys  🪴 (P)
Five factors for team effectiveness  🌳 (L)
Flow inside para and zettelkasten  🌱 (P)
Focus digitial garden on helping young people to learn better (early on)  🌰
Focus is key for learning  🪴
Focus on on 4 main assumption test approaches that cover 90% of the tests needed to learn fast  🌳 (P)
Focus on the right work  🪴 (P)
Focus with pomodoro  🪴
Forget discipline, become addicted to action instead!  🌱 (L)
Forming continuous discovery habits presentation  🌳 (P)
Forming continuous discovery habits presentation  🌳 (P)
Forming a continuous learning habit  🪴
Forming my sugar reduction habit  🪴
Forte labs theory of contraints blog series  🪴 (L)
Fractal reading  🌰 (L)
From bowling and learning  🪴
From hell to heaven  🪴
From stuttering to checkmate  🪴
Game console vs game design  🪴
Gemba go where the work gets done  🌱 (P)
Generations compared  🌱 (F)
Getting started with your second brain  🪴
Getting things done  🪴 (I)
Getting an overview about mentoring  🪴 (P)
Goals project dreams  🪴 (P)
Goals checking after 4 months in this year  🪴
Good bye blinkist  🪴
Good bye berlin, welcome halberstadt  🪴
Good strategy, bad strategy visualized  🌱 (P)
Grand strategy and the problem with senior management  🪴
Great reflection question for client calls  🌰 (F)
Great talk about agile and musk companies  🌱 (L)
Grow 21 skills that pay you forever by building your second brain  🪴 (P)
Grow the top 10 skills 2025 by building your second brain  🪴 (P)
Growing ai productivity stack  🌱 (P)
Growing linkedin second brain  🪴
Growing mocs over time  🪴
Habit building and peloton  🪴
Habit building  🪴 (I)
Harnessing ai for feedback a powerful ally  🪴
High Output Management  🌰 (L)
High performance teams  🌱 (P)
Hints for working with ice breakers  🌰
Holistic learning in 5 dimensions  🪴
Hook model  🪴
How elon musk learns faster than everyone else  🪴 (L)
How i capture my eureka moments  🪴
How i extract maximum value from every ebook in 5 steps  🪴
How i unlock data mastery faster than ever  🪴
How i create presentations directly from my second brain  🪴
How i grab your attention on linkedin 77 posts learning recap  🪴
How i learn on 6 levels with my second brain  🪴
How i mastered the powermba in one month  🪴
How i reached 10x growth in fitness in 3 months  🪴
How i stretch out of comfort zone each day  🪴
How i stretched my pushup record with the 1% method  🪴
How i turned skepticism into podcast addiction  🪴
How i use switch writing  🪴
How i utilize 23 years knowledge to design impactful leadership sessions  🪴
How i write my notes  🪴
How much discovery is enough  🌰 (L)
How much discovery is enough 2nd pass  🪴 (L)
How teams interact  🌰
How a pkms connects with the 21 skills that pay you forever  🌰
How my second brain supports me on my fastlane  🪴
How to create a product roadmap that everyone can understand!  🪴 (L)
How to write objectives and key results best okr examples of 2019  🪴 (L)
How to begin  🪴 (L)
How to create things with your notes  🪴 (P)
How to design the perfect day  🌱 (L)
How to detect the silent relationship killer before its too late  🌱 (L)
How to distill from a paper book  🪴
How to implement okrs at your small business  🌱 (L)
How to make notes and write  🌰 (L)
How to measure anything presentation  🌱 (P)
How to overcome resistance and get into deep focus (pomodoro 2.0)  🌰 (L)
How to provide opinions  🌱 (L)
How to set goals (that actually work)  🌱 (L)
How to stop saying yes when you want to say no  🌱 (L)
How to take digital notes  🪴 (L)
How to take smart notes key insights  🪴 (L)
How to talk to anyone bib notes  🪴 (L)
How to use your second brain to learn a new skill  🪴
How to work with me  🌱 (P)
I am 47, i am made redundant  🪴
I am a librarian notetaker  🪴
I am enough statement  🪴
I can't dance  🪴
I cracked the code to perseverance  🪴
I have a dream  🪴
I struggle at least 3x per week with my daily commitments  🪴
I struggled to retain what i learned for decades  🪴
I want you to progress in your career  🪴
I was tired of constantly re Learning the same things  🪴
I wish there was this shortcut  🪴
I'm working in pods  🪴
I.m.p.a.c.t. for goals  🌰 (L)
Ice prioritization  🌱 (I)
Identifying hidden assumptions  🌰 (F)
Immersed learning  🪴
Immersing with the 5 lightbulbs  🪴
Immersive writing inside a second brain  🪴
Implemented my first gpt and experimenting  🪴
Importance of agile values and principles  🌱 (P)
Important product books to read  🪴 (I)
Important tips for creating slides  🌰
Impressions from a second brain  🪴
Information as competitive advantage  🪴
Insights from learning with ai  🪴
Integrating graphics and text for my smart note taking  🌱 (P)
Interesting how people do not change their approach to learning  🪴
Interesting impact and urgency category names  🌰 (F)
Interview questions erdal  🌳 (P)
Interview with mo gawdat ai is worse than climate change  🌰 (L)
Introducing the 4 learning types  🪴
Introduction to agile
Introduction to change  🌱 (L)
Is powerpoint dead  🌱 (L)
Is quiet quitting a real thing  🌱 (L)
Is reading dead  🪴
It is about compounding  🪴
It is about how we learn  🪴
It is not vark  🪴
Jira agile  🌱 (I)
Jobs to be done advanced version  🌰 (L)
Johari awareness model  🌱 (P)
Join next 5lb ai cohort  🪴
Joining brand build community  🪴
Journey to cohort based learning  🪴
Juniors, want a career superpower master ai Amplified learning  🪴
Just In Time organization  🌱 (P)
Kanban an overview  🌳 (P)
Keine Sinnfragen, bitte!  🌰 (L)
Key performance indicators infographic  🌰 (F)
Key elements for writing simply  🌰 (L)
Kindle capture flow  🪴
Kingdomino  🪴
Kommanditgesellschaft  🌱 (P)
Kopf frei free mind  🪴 (L)
Krawatte binden super easy  🌰
Llms  🌱 (P)
Landing page information  🌱 (P)
Langdock next level  🪴
Leadership coaching  🪴 (I)
Leadership development  🪴 (P)
Leadership mentoring  🪴 (P)
Leadership roles in product development  🌱 (P)
Lean an overview  🌱 (P)
Lean six sigma overview  🌱 (P)
Lean Software Development  🌱 (L)
Lean-Agile Software Development  🌱 (L)
Lean  🌰 (I)
Learn a little more  🪴
Learn with more precision  🪴
Learning chatgpt  🌱 (P)
Learning dimensions with linkedin  🪴
Learning styles blindspots  🪴
Learning styles linkedin test  🪴
Learning that pays dividends workshop  🪴
Learning that pays dividends  🪴 (P)
Learning about disc  🌱 (P)
Learning about focus drivers approach park, off road, sports, and eco mode  🌱 (P)
Learning about hooks  🌱 (L)
Learning about neurodiversity  🪴 (P)
Learning about uncertainty  🪴
Learning about creating a video using ai  🌱 (P)
Learning about positioning the camera in the center  🌰
Learning how to learn course certificate  🌱 (P)
Learning is connected with happiness  🪴
Learning is the making of meaning  🪴
Learning misbliefs  🪴
Learning moments  🪴
Learning through linkedin writing  🪴
Learning through games  🪴
Learning to build a business  🪴
Learning with ai  🪴
Lerntypen  🌱 (P)
Lets build systems  🪴
Lets play coaching hopscotch  🪴
Level up on linkedin writing  🪴
Leveling up needs investment  🪴
Levels of expertise  🪴 (P)
Levels of remote work  🪴
Leverage ai in your team with langdock  🌱 (P)
Leveraging brain.fm muci  🪴
Leveraging smart connections to get inspiration for expressing my thoughts  🪴
Liberating structures  🪴 (I)
Linkedin growth analytics  🪴
Linkedin reflections  🪴
Linkedin second brain experiment  🪴
Linkedin second brain setup instructions v1.0 (P)
Linkedin self reflection  🪴
Linkedin presence demands time and conscious adjustments  🪴
Linkedin writing tips from jasmin alic  🌱 (L)
List of most important product videos  🌳 (I)
Live impression from the conference  🪴
Lohnen sich batteriespeicher für photovoltaikanlagen  🪴 (L)
Moc learning how to learn  🪴 (I)
Moc 10k$ framework  🌳 (I)
Moc agile 2  🌰 (I)
Moc agile leadership course  🌰 (I)
Moc agile learning path  🪴 (I)
Moc artificial intelligence  🌱
Moc becoming a fastlaner  🌱 (I)
Moc building a 2nd brain  🪴
Moc cohort base courses  🌰 (I)
Moc community based courses  🌰 (I)
Moc continuous discovery habits  🪴 (I)
Moc course effective communication and negotiation  🌱 (I)
Moc digital garden  🪴 (I)
Moc feedback  🌱 (I)
Moc forming habits  🌱 (I)
Moc goal setting  🌱 (I)
Moc ikigai  🌱 (I)
Moc kindle book highlights  🪴 (I)
Moc learning  🌰
Moc lifehacks  🌱 (I)
Moc linkedin writing  🌱 (I)
Moc midjourney  🌱 (I)
Moc negotiations  🌱 (I)
Moc okrs  🌱 (I)
Moc presentation and public speaking  🌰 (I)
Moc product discovery  🌱 (I)
Moc receipts  🌰 (I)
Moc strategy  🌱 (I)
Moc teams  🌳 (I)
Moc vegan living  🪴 (I)
Mocs overview  🪴 (P)
Magnetic writing tips distilled  🌳 (L)
Make your online course raise above the noise  🌱 (L)
Making your scrum work #25  🪴 (L)
Management 3.0 management for complex domain  🪴 (I)
Management 3.0 book summary  🌱 (L)
Mapping 5 dysfunctions and team effectiveness with tuckman  🌱 (P)
Mapping agile and continuous discovery habits  🪴 (P)
Mapping okr and smart  🌱 (P)
Mapping of discovery and delivery and tools+practices  🌱 (F)
Marker Optionen Arbeit markus modell  🌰 (F)
Marshall goldsmith ai  🌰 (F)
Maturity model for my obsidian notes  🌳 (P)
Meeting types  🌰 (F)
Memletics learning model  🌱 (P)
Mental fitness and connection to learning  🪴
Meta compounding  🪴
Metacognition and a second brain  🪴
Metrics  🌰 (P)
Midjourney learning  🌱 (P)
Midjourney prompts  🌱 (P)
Mindset for connecting with smart people  🌰 (F)
Mindset shift #5 you don’t have to do this alone  🪴 (L)
Miro fast lane intro to new miro users  🌰
Miro  🌱 (I)
Module 1 beat gender bias  🌰
Module 1 the confidence code  🌱
Morning Evening Questionaire  🌰 (F)
Motivation for second brain  🪴
Motivational speech by denzil washington  🌰
Move forward quote  🌱 (P)
Multi level summary  🌰 (L)
Multipliers  🌳 (L)
Multitasking negative effect visualized  🌱 (F)
My 100 dreams  🌱 (P)
My 4mat learning style  🪴
My agile coach knowledge portfolio  🌱 (I)
My continuous learning journey  🪴
My disc profile  🌱 (P)
My emotional quotient  🌱 (P)
My icp  🪴
My learning journey  🌱
My personal productivity toolstack  🪴
My presentations, talks, podcast, videos, workshops  🌱 (I)
My son starts with his second brain  🪴
My wingfinder profile  🌰
My current writing toolstack  🪴
My discovery of podcasts  🪴
My experience map learning during basb  🌱 (P)
My highlights 2025 Kw01  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw02  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw03  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw04  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw05  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw06  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw07  🪴
My highlights 2025 Kw08  🪴
My highlights kw13  🪴
My highlights kw14  🪴
My highlights kw15  🪴
My highlights kw16  🪴
My highlights kw17  🪴
My highlights kw18  🪴
My highlights kw19  🪴
My highlights kw20  🪴
My highlights kw21  🪴
My highlights kw22  🪴
My highlights kw23  🪴
My highlights kw24  🪴
My highlights kw25  🪴
My highlights kw26  🪴
My highlights kw27  🪴
My highlights kw28  🪴
My highlights kw29  🪴
My highlights kw30  🪴
My highlights kw31  🪴
My highlights kw32  🪴
My highlights kw33  🪴
My highlights kw34  🪴
My highlights kw35  🪴
My highlights kw36  🪴
My highlights kw37  🪴
My highlights kw38  🪴
My highlights kw39  🪴
My highlights kw41  🪴
My highlights kw42  🪴
My highlights kw43  🪴
My highlights kw44  🪴
My highlights kw45  🪴
My highlights kw46  🪴
My highlights kw47  🪴
My highlights kw48  🪴
My highlights kw49  🪴
My highlights kw50  🪴
My highlights kw51  🪴
My highlights kw52  🪴
My main frustrations with learning and how i turned it around  🪴
My motivation for building a second brain  🌰
My note making type  🪴
My personal writing style  🌱 (P)
My relationsship to ambition  🌱 (P)
My running list of 12 favorite problems  🌱 (P)
My running list of ai services i use repeatedly  🪴
My top ai update sources  🪴
My usage of chatgpt to work through the course  🌱 (P)
My wife learned with her second brain  🪴
Nesslabs community creative writing session childhood talents  🌱 (P)
Neuroscience of change  🌱 (L)
New year and habit building  🌰 (F)
Newsletter adventure  🪴
Next writing prompt  🌱 (P)
No time to learn  🪴
Note about causal loop diagram  🌱 (P)
Note about lead magnets  🌰 (P)
Notemaking instead of note taking  🪴
Notes from book ted talks  🌰 (L)
Notes for keine sinnfragen, bitte  🪴 (P)
Notes from $100m offers  🌰 (L)
Notes from 4 stages of psychological safety  🌰 (L)
Notes from the seven principles for making marriage work  🌰
Notes from what impact ai will have on you  🌱 (L)
Notes from 5 Figure launch accelerator  🌱 (L)
Notes from ai and basb by tiago forte  🌰 (L)
Notes from book talk like teds  🌰 (L)
Notes from cdh guide  🌰
Notes from cracking the codes video  🌰 (L)
Notes from crashcourse zettelkaste for beginners  🌰
Notes from create a life compass for aligned action  🪴 (L)
Notes from das erschoepfte gehirn  🪴 (L)
Notes from day 2 of the mindvalley ai summit 2023  🌱 (L)
Notes from day 3 of the mindvalley ai summit 2023  🌱 (L)
Notes from day1 of the mindvalley ai summit 2023  🌱 (L)
Notes from education that works by danny iny  🌰 (L)
Notes from good strategy, bad strategy and the crux podcast with lenny adn rummelt  🌱 (L)
Notes from google manager behaviors  🌰
Notes from guide master your 4 pillars of energy  🪴 (L)
Notes from how not to worry  🌰 (L)
Notes from how to win your week  🌱 (L)
Notes from imposter syndrome  🌰 (L)
Notes from inspired book by marty cagan  🌱 (L)
Notes from johanna rothman short feedback loops  🪴 (L)
Notes from lead from the outside  🌰 (L)
Notes from learn how to learn  🌱 (P)
Notes from living forward  🌰
Notes from mindful productivity for remote workers  🌰 (L)
Notes from natalie lue it's not in your head, it is gaslighting  🌰 (L)
Notes from neuro resilience  🪴 (L)
Notes from playing to win  🌱 (L)
Notes from red ocean traps  🌱 (L)
Notes from search inside yourself  🪴 (L)
Notes from simple marketing for smart people  🪴 (L)
Notes from task management workshop with tiago forte  🌱 (L)
Notes from the 5am club  🌱 (L)
Notes from the alamanack  🌰 (L)
Notes from the extended mind  🌱 (L)
Notes from the para method book by tiago  🌰 (L)
Notes from the power of full engagment  🌰
Notes from the new era of coaching with generative ai (live showcases)  🌱 (L)
Notes from webinar convertkit and important changes in 2024  🌰 (F)
Notes from webinar with mo gawdate and scoot galloway  🌰 (L)
Notes from why feedback doesn't work  🌱 (L)
Notes from wista taking video tutorial  🌰
Notes from working smarter through your tech stack  🌱 (L)
Notes from writing a book in 30 days  🪴 (L)
Notes from book beginners  🌰 (L)
Notes from book leading with love and laughter  🌰 (L)
Notes from book outlive topic longevity  🌱 (L)
Notes from book trillion dollar coach  🌰 (L)
Notes from book work rules by laszlo bock  🌰 (L)
Notes from joining the work transformation summit  🌰
Notes from listening to the bullseye principle  🌱
Notes from mindful productivity masterclass  🪴 (L)
Notes from the 7 powers strategy  🪴 (L)
Notes from the ai playbook  🌰 (L)
Notes from the fifth discipline  🌱
Notes from the power of mental models  🌱 (L)
Notes from the zoom work transformation summit  🌰 (F)
Notes from the book the art of public speaking  🌰 (L)
Notes from the book the art of influencing anyone  🌰 (L)
Notes from the book magic words  🌰 (L)
Notes from watching tiago fortes videos  🌱 (L)
Notes from webcast 10 ways to replace meetings with slack  🌰
Notes on limits of ai  🌰 (F)
Notes on working with the zettelkasten to write an article  🌱 (P)
Notes on efficient email processing  🌱 (P)
Notes on the crisis of fractured organizations  🌱 (P)
Notizen aus der stoffwechselkompass  🌰
Okr double split model  🌰
Okrs and continuous discovery habits  🌰
Okrs linked with product strategy  🌱 (P)
Ooda loops knowledge  🌳 (P)
Ooda loops  🌱 (I)
Objectives and key results (okr)  🌳 (L)
Observation accepting others eating your time  🌱 (P)
Obsidian pkms 2nd brain  🌱 (I)
Obsidian packaged  🪴
Obsidian plugins i'm using  🪴 (I)
Obsidian is my second brain software  🪴
On my way to becoming a 4mat learning types expert  🪴
On writing  🪴
On my flight  🪴
On pair programming  🌱 (F)
On to lifelong learning  🪴
On to the future  🪴
Open space description for miro  🌰
Open up for more impulses  🪴
Opening workshop effortless learning  🪴
Opportunity solution tree learning session  🌳 (P)
Order and chaos revived  🪴
Org team structure and communication aspects  🌱 (P)
Outcomes, output and impact  🌰 (P)
Para method notes  🪴 (P)
Paarwunsch gedicht von der ehe von khalil gibran  🌳 (P)
Paid call booking and also maintaining my calendar  🌱 (P)
Pandas and sql cheat sheet  🌰 (F)
Para blog by tiago forte  🌳 (L)
Parallel writing name game  🪴 (P)
Passive or active knowledge work  🪴
Pay for prevention  🪴
Peek into the 4 mirrors i used to see my professional self more clearly than ever  🪴
People dont care how much you know  🪴
Personal brand blueprint  🌰 (F)
Personal systemic coaching  🌱 (I)
Pivotal changes with learning  🪴
Playing to win alan g lafley roger l martin  🌰 (L)
Point and untell  🪴 (P)
Poll for lead magnets  🪴
Pomodoro pact  🪴
Post about 12 rules for life  🪴
Post about how to begin  🪴
Post about wardley maps  🌰 (P)
Power dynamics and the art of feedback  🪴
Power poses  🪴
Powermba booklist including blinkist blinks  🌳 (I)
Powerful ai frameworks for prompting  🌰 (F)
Powerful swipe File builder  🪴
Prepare for the load times  🪴
Prepare for the challenges  🪴
Prerequisite tree  🌱 (L)
Presentation amplify your second brain and digital garden with ai  🪴
Price your coaching  🌰
Principles of effective learning content  🪴
Principles of product development flow presentation  🌰 (P)
Principles of product development flow  🌱 (I)
Principles of working with ai  🪴
Product development lifecycle  🪴 (P)
Product direction nacho bassino  🌰 (L)
Product discovery  🌰 (I)
Product leadership richard banfield martin eriksson nate walkingshaw  🌰 (L)
Product management in practice matt lemay  🌰 (L)
Product management  🌰 (P)
Product market fit expansion strategies  🌰
Product owner failures three wide Spread examples  🌰 (L)
Product roadmaps  🪴 (L)
Product strategy  🌳 (L)
Professional intelligence  🪴
Progressive summarization  🌳 (L)
Project increment iteration hypothesis  🌰 (F)
Project management approaches  🌰 (L)
Project management  🌰 (I)
Prompts for job application  🌰 (F)
Push your learning to the next level  🪴
Put a filter in between  🪴
Put in the reps  🪴
Quote about team learning  🌰 (F)
Radical candor question  🌰 (F)
Rapid capturing and focussed processing  🪴
Rapid fire writing  🪴
Recall in minutes  🪴
Red ocean strategy notes  🌰 (L)
Reflecting through the lens of radical candor  🪴
Reflecting on 160 days daily writing on linkedin  🪴
Reflecting on 4mat learning principles  🪴
Reflection time 2 days second brain summit  🪴
Reflections on commenting  🪴
Reforge the product strategy stack  🌱 (L)
Reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a zettelkasten  🌱 (L)
Reject the algorithm  🪴 (L)
Resilienz erlernte hilflosigkeit  🌰 (F)
Risk monitoring  🌰 (P)
Risk probability matrix  🌱 (P)
Rituals, routines, habits  🌰 (F)
Sam team rules  🪴
Scrum and xp  🌰 (L)
Scrum, kanban, agile overview  🌰 (L)
Scrumban revolution talk  🌰 (P)
Scrumban  🌰 (P)
Second brain how to start  🪴
Second brain discovery workshop teaser  🪴
Second brain summit 2nd call  🪴
Second brain summit story  🪴
Second brain summit  🪴
Second brain and ai presentation at fu berlin  🪴
Second brain and ai presentation  🌰 (P)
Second brain and fastlaner connection  🌰 (L)
Secondbrain effects  🪴
Seeing people struggle hurts  🪴
Self management flow  🪴
Shotgun surgery  🌱 (P)
Showing the portfolio  🪴
Sidewalker key insights  🌰 (L)
Simple & fast usage to deliver an insight  🌰
Simple marketing for smart people  🪴
Situation normal, everything must change  🌱
Six sigma  🌰 (P)
Slow thinking
Slowlaner key insights  🌰 (L)
Small batch projects  🌰 (P)
Small but huge impact quote by benjamin labatut  🌱 (P)
Small but huge impact  🪴
Smart connections the next level of working with ai  🪴
Smart connections for fast summaries  🪴
Smart learning and leadership talk  🌰 (P)
Smart oven  🪴 (P)
Smarter learning sharper skills live workshop  🪴
Smashed my january exercise goals unleash the power of habit stacking  🪴
Snapshot for a setup for presentations  🌱 (P)
Socratic leadership  🪴 (P)
Software development  🌱 (I)
Some quizzes  🌱 (P)
Some sources about generation z  🌰
Sound of a thousand screams walkthrough pathfinder kingmaker  🪴 (L)
Sparks from agile 2  🌰 (F)
Speaking at ella forum  🪴
Speed reading experiment continued  🪴
Speed of capturing  🪴
Speed of trust and leadership  🪴
Sprint review anti Patterns  🪴 (L)
Stakeholder management coursera course  🌰 (L)
Stakeholder management  🌰 (P)
Startup funding seed,a B C D explained  🌰 (F)
Strategy working from vision to strategy observations  🌱 (P)
Strength of working in public  🪴
Stuck in decision Making quagmire find your way out  🪴
Summary creating meaningful gatherings  🌰 (L)
Summary meetings as culture carriers  🌰 (L)
Summary for five dysfunctions of a team  🌱 (P)
Support in sideways movements  🪴
Survive the desert  🌳 (P)
Swarm stupidity  🌱 (P)
Sync with stefan linkedin connect via sophie  🌰 (F)
Systems thinking  🌱 (I)
Tdd  🌰 (L)
Tgrow coaching model  🌰 (F)
Tpl fleeting note  🌰 (F)
Tpl linkedin post  🪴
Tpl permanent note  🌱 (P)
Tpl portfolio note  🌰 (P)
Take notes after each chapter learnings  🪴 (P)
Take the main lever  🪴
Take the shortcut  🪴
Talk the expanding dark forest and generative ai  🌰 (L)
Task chaos tamed  🪴
Team development  🌱 (I)
Team genius some quotes  🪴 (L)
Team knowledge management how to use para in your organization  🌰 (L)
Team lead  🌱 (I)
Team models  🌰 (F)
Team starter exercise  🪴 (P)
Teams  🌱 (P)
Teaser for second brain and capturing the 1%  🌱
Teleprompter and equipment learning  🌰 (L)
Term agility  🌳 (P)
Test l post  🪴
Testfile xyz  🪴
Thanks for 6k followers  🪴
Thanks for 7k followers  🪴
Thanks for the interview  🪴
Thanks to boris for many years of influencing my career  🪴
Thanks to my linkedin community  🪴
The 11 star framework  🌰 (L)
The 30 second habit that can have a big impact on your life  🌰 (L)
The 5 models of content curation  🌰 (F)
The 5 books that had the highest impact on me  🪴
The 5 pillars of my writing process  🌰 (L)
The 7 most important kpis to measure the success of ux research  🪴 (L)
The 9 biggest myths and misconceptions about building a second brain  🪴 (L)
The ai newsletter  🪴
The art of action stephen bungay  🌰 (L)
The brain nutrition  🪴
The core feedback model  🌰 (F)
The case for continuous learning  🪴
The child that did not speak  🪴
The claim for smart learning  🪴
The coach in your head  🌳 (L)
The comment hack  🪴
The complete guide to writing midjourney prompts  🌰 (L)
The culture of feedback  🌱 (P)
The eisenhower matrix of prioritisation  🌱 (L)
The four c's of working with information  🌰 (L)
The future of education is community the rise of cohort Based courses  🪴 (L)
The game changers  🪴 (L)
The highlight extraction experiment  🪴
The iceberg is melting inertia at play  🪴
The jobs to be done playbook jim kalbach  🌰 (L)
The ladder of evidence  🌱
The learners tranformation  🪴
The learning alchemist  🪴
The learning pyramid  🌱 (P)
The learning styles conflict  🪴
The masters degree  🪴
The moment that redefined feedback for me  🪴
The newsletter accelerator  🪴
The one hour startup  🌰
The pari system by anne Laure le cunff (ness labs)  🌰 (L)
The Paradox of Choice  🌰 (L)
The pitch transformer  🪴
The power of communities  🪴
The power of habit  🌳 (L)
The power of motivation stacking  🪴
The power of sleep for learning  🪴
The primes presentation  🌰 (P)
The product Led organization todd olson  🌰 (L)
The pursuit of excellence notes  🌰
The red queens race  🪴
The Science of Managing Our Digital Stuff
The second brain dream land  🪴
The swimming competition that taught me empathy  🪴
The value of self assessment  🪴
The vitamin trap  🪴
The anatomy of a perfect educational article  🌱 (L)
The better learning  🪴
The broken toy  🪴
The case for self directed education  🪴
The difference between habits, routines and rituals  🌰 (L)
The elusive pursuit of getting it (all) done  🪴 (L)
The evolution in an age of information abundance  🪴
The forgetting curve  🪴
The founders information overload  🪴
The hardest pill to swallow about self Improvement  🪴 (L)
The magic of doing $10,000 per hour work  🪴 (L)
The missed flight  🪴
The network master  🪴
The new gold  🪴
The post i did not dare to write  🪴
The role of automation in my second brain  🪴
The smallest evil argumentation  🌱 (P)
Theluckynonexplosion  🪴
Theory of constraints (toc)  🪴 (I)
Thinking about essays  🌱 (P)
This ai tool just stands out  🪴
This was burning fast  🪴
This will change your facilitation and training design  🪴
Thought around deep work 2023 03 28  🌰 (F)
Thoughts on resilience  🌰
Time to value  🌱 (P)
Time to say thank you  🪴
Tiny experiments  🪴
Tips for breakout rooms in zoom  🌱 (P)
Tom is changing it  🪴
Tools for wardley mapping  🌱 (P)
Top gadgets for remote workers  🌰 (F)
Top 10 skills of 2025  🌱
Topic map  🌰 (P)
Toskanische bohnensuppe  🌳 (L)
Training lesson 2 how to waste your day 3 behavorial mistakes to avoid  🌰 (L)
Transformation of the agile coach role  🌰
Transforming health unveiling longevity secrets from outlive  🪴
Transition from slowlaner to fastlaner  🌰 (L)
Trapped in no time to learn  🪴
Trinity of directing, leadership and management  🌱 (P)
Two ai first examples  🪴
Two years with my second brain a journey of discovery and growth  🪴
Understanding agile udemy course  🌰 (L)
Understanding argument claim premise proof  🌱 (P)
Unengaded stakeholders at sprint review  🪴 (L)
Unleash the untapped power of blinkist  🪴
Unlock extraordinary growth with tiny daily steps  🪴
Unlock growth lead with care then knowledge  🪴
Unlock memorable learning with high engagement  🪴
Unlock your potential confidence vs. competence  🪴
Unlock your potential with mindful productivity  🪴
Unlock the ai writing paradox stay true, stay efficient  🪴
Unlock the full power of blinkist 10 advanced features you should explore  🪴
Untitled  🪴
Unveiling the secrets to building impactful learning experiences  🪴
Upcoming masterclass  🪴
Use okrs for professional development  🪴 (L)
Use obsidian canvas for ikigai  🌰
Use a second brain for your job search  🪴
Using ai for marketing  🌰 (F)
Using second brain for capturing presentation content fast  🪴
Value for spending learning budget  🌰
Value stream mapping theoretical background  🌱 (L)
Value stream mapping  🌱 (I)
Verbal tools for group facilitation  🌰 (F)
Visual notes  🌱 (L)
Visual thinking  🪴
Visualize my knowledge portfolio as t Shaped graph  🌱 (P)
Voice training  🌱 (L)
Voicepal for writing  🪴
Wil apac  🪴
Wardley mapping leadership post  🪴
Wardley mapping  🌱 (I)
We are what we repeatedly do quote reflection  🌰 (P)
Webinar with markus  🌰 (L)
Week 1 assignment  🌱 (L)
Week 1 course notes  🪴 (L)
Week 1 negotiation analysis  🪴 (L)
Week 1 negotiation styles and tactics  🌱 (L)
Week 1 what is communication  🪴 (L)
Week 2 assertive communication  🪴 (L)
Week 2 assignment  🌱 (L)
Week 2 course notes  🪴 (L)
Week 2 emotions in negotiations  🌱 (L)
Week 2 the implementation strategy  🌱 (L)
Week 3 assignment  🌱 (L)
Week 3 course notes  🪴 (L)
Week 3 empathetic listening  🪴 (L)
Week 3 internationalization strategy  🌱 (L)
Week 3 underlying interests in a negotiation  🌱 (L)
Week 4 assignment  🪴 (L)
Week 4 complex negotiations  🌱 (L)
Week 4 conflict resolution  🌱 (L)
Week 4 course notes  🪴 (L)
Week 4 how to provide feedback  🪴 (L)
What i learned from the bullet journal method  🪴 (L)
What i learn from 7 power zones each day  🪴
What type in pictures  🪴
What a lifelong reading list  🪴
What a reading hack  🪴
What are self Managing teams  🪴 (L)
What are permanent notes  🌱 (L)
What goes into journal  🌱 (P)
What is action driven learning  🌰
What is agile  🌱 (P)
What is design thinking  🌱 (L)
What is product discovery about  🪴 (P)
What is a desired outcome?  🪴 (P)
What is a fleeting note  🪴 (L)
What is a literature note  🌱 (L)
What is a team  🌱 (P)
What is extreme programming  🌱 (L)
What is the value of a (scrum) guide 🥾  🪴 (L)
What makes content sticky?  🌰
What to unlearn in l&d  🪴
When it needs precision and when one can go a little more easy  🪴
When to consider agile  🪴 (P)
Where to play marc gruber sharon tal  🌰 (L)
Why brainstorming fails  🪴 (P)
Why people see problems where there are none  🪴 (L)
Why the impact effort prioritization matrix doesn't work  🌰 (L)
Why you’ll probably never run out of money  🪴 (L)
Why and for whom might this be relevant?  🌰
Why we transitioned from sprints to basecamp’s “shape up” methodology  🪴 (L)
Why you're always busy with nothing to show for  🪴 (L)
Women in leadership a tribute to my role models  🪴
Women in leadership my key insights from joining a coaching pathway led by katharina loth  🌱 (P)
Women that i had the honor to work with  🪴
Work against own idea bias  🌱 (P)
Work with your energy  🪴
Working better with stakeholder 3 advanced techniques  🌰 (L)
Working with chatgpt linkreader  🌱 (P)
Working with feedback  🌱 (I)
Working with johnny decimal  🪴
Working with webinars  🪴
Workshop briefing for ai  🌱 (P)
Workshop design  🌱 (I)
Workshop games  🌰 (I)
Workshop staying motivated amid uncertainty  🌱 (L)
Write a book summary (blog based)  🌱 (P)
Write a book summary  🌱 (L)
Write your mission statement  🌰
You and your mind garden  🌰 (L)
You're Due Ing it wrong  🪴 (L)
Your mind is for having ideas not holding them  🪴
You’re never going to be “caught up” at work. stop feeling guilty about it  🪴 (L)
Zettelkasten taking smart notes notes from a video by joshua meyer  🌰
Zettelkasten method  🪴 (P)
Zoom  🌱 (I)
Approach from podcast to knowledge  🪴
Dummy_translate  🌰 (F)
Holistic learning experience with 4mat designed workshops  🪴
Overcoming a blank page  🪴
Progressive disclosure  🌱 (P)
The magic number 4  🌱 (P)
Tooth power  🌱 (P)
Ökologischer imperativ  🌱 (P)
☀️ building your productivity system  🪴 (L)